Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Understanding The Benefits of Transformational Leadership Episode 28

I’m often asked by leaders around the world what is transformational leadership? They hear the words used but they don’t understand the benefit or the true meaning a transformational leadership. In this episode I will share with you the benefits of having a transformational leadership culture in the five steps that you can use to implement one immediately in your organization.


In order to understand why we recommend implementing a transformational leadership culture in your organization it’s important to understand some of the benefits.


A transformational leader can enhance employee morale and performance providing a strong sense of purpose to motivate change and ultimately create a work environment it’s characterized by trust.


Five steps for implementing a transformational leadership culture:


  1. Focus on your situational awareness this includes performing interviews and employee assessments to determine each individual’s highest and best use within the team.



  1. Practice what you preach and lead by example! Teams go where you go, and your employees will always be looking to make sure that you’re doing exactly what you said you were going to do. When you are a leader that walks their talk, your team will start follow-through.


  1. Create an open and transparent feedback process. Make sure that process is constructive and that you have an intentional, dynamic and value adding approach to giving feedback.


  1. Have an open-door policy: transformational leaders that are willing to accept feedback from their employees find that their employees are more willing to cooperate and be open to change.


  1. Invest in the professional development of the members of your team. There’s nothing more important than constantly developing your team members and improving their skills. This long-term investment will always pay the greatest dividends including an increasing retention and attracting even more talent.


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Dr. Rick


Check out this episode!

Sunday, September 15, 2019

How to Empower Your Team To Be Leaders Episode 27

How To Empower Your Team Members to Be Leaders Episode 27 

Have you ever had people on your team that showed signs of being a great leader? In this episode you will discover for ways to empower your team to become better leaders in this episode of the solution during leader podcast.


It’s been my experience that many times there’ve been people on my team that could do a better job in certain areas of the business than I could. In the past I have micromanaged my employees and thought I could do everything on my own however that’s not a scalable model to grow your business. I discovered for ways that you can immediately empower your team to become better leaders and grow the team exponentially.


  1. It’s important to understand that you can’t do everything on your own if you’re going to truly scale your business. Transformational leaders who are solutions-oriented leaders understand that delegation and the development of other leaders is the key to success.


  1. The best transformational leaders inspire their team with a sense of vision. They make sure that their team understands the “Why” in everything they do because they understand the communication is the key to a transformational leader’s success!


  1. The focus of a solutions-oriented leader is to develop a culture of open communication. They understand that most employees are afraid to step up and take leadership or responsibility for fear of failure. The best transformational leaders make it clear that their employees need to speak up and express their opinions without any fear or retribution in order for the team to grow.


  1. A solutions-oriented leader understands that they need to make opportunities available for their team to attend professional development seminars, webinars, and even engage them with an executive coach. The more emphasis that is put on development of the leaders of our team, the more the team will grow producing a happy and healthy work environment.


As a leader your role for inspiring other leaders around you is vital. You have the ability to make positive changes on other people’s lives as well as your own. To talk with me Burger about ideas, reach out directly and connect with me at

or call us at 888-267-6098



Check out this episode!

Sunday, September 08, 2019

Why The Best Leaders Have A Strategic Plan Episode 26

The best leaders in the world understand the importance of strategic planning and their success. In this episode of the solutions aren’t leader podcasts we’re going to discuss why the best leaders have a strategic plan and the importance of the strategic planning process in their business growth and success.

There are a number of reasons why you should implement a strategic planning process in your organization. The number one reason is that no plan is the plan to fail!

It’s important to understand the definition of the strategic planning process wherein managers set short-term and long-term goals for the organization. It is also important to establish metrics in order to gauge where you are and what you need to do in order to accomplish your goals.

Benefits of strategic planning:

  • It gives your team the big picture of what needs to be accomplished and why.
  • It helps you to use your resources more efficiently, saving money and time.
  • It helps to define your culture and the way that you do business.
  • It makes team members accountable for their actions and productivity.
  • It adds to the overall value of your company, Association or organization.


Six quick steps to designing a strategic plan:


  1. Look at past strategic planning documents and evaluate how well the business attained those goals or fell short of those goals.
  2. Draft a vision statement and allow input from all your key stakeholders.
  3. Use the vision statement as a guide to create a mission statement and the list of company values to support your strategic plan.
  4. Understand and assess any potential roadblocks to meeting your strategic plans, making notes of the limitations an understanding who your competitors are.
  5. Decide how you can to communicate your plan to the entire team in order to get buy-in.
  6. Last create some action steps for your team how will it work towards goals? What should the resource allocation look like? And who is ultimately responsible and accountable for that portion of the plan.


These are general considerations to think about you start to design your strategic plan. Reach out and let’s discuss your goals objectives and how we can add value to your company. You can connect with me at Or call us at 888-267-6098.


For more programs to build your business go to



Check out this episode!

Thursday, September 05, 2019

Building The Right Leadership Skills For Today's World Episode 25

Building the right leadership skills in today’s world is crucial for your success as a leader. In this episode we will discuss the importance of having the right leadership skills and the seven key leadership skills that will bring you the results you desire.

I am often asked buy leaders and executives that I coach if I believe that leaders, we’re born that way or if they have developed their skills over long period of time. I believe both are true, I think that there are some natural born leaders however they always have to develop their skills and are constantly working on themselves.

I believe there is seven key leadership skills that we need to develop in order to be successful.

Seven Key Leadership Skills for Success!


  1. In today’s world leaders must be agile things can change in a minute and I have to be flexible enough to respond.


  1. Leaders need to develop their sense of vision and be able to communicate that effectively to their team in order to achieve their goals.


  1. Delegation is going to be the key to a leaders success. It’s impossible for you to do everything on your own and sometimes you’re going to find people on your team that we’ll be able to do a better job than you can.


  1. A leader is going to have to motivate their team to reach levels they never thought possible. I always say, “teams go where you go” and “you can’t sell what you don’t own.” So, it’s imperative that you walk your talk!


  1. Leaders in today’s world need to be able to develop talent. You have to put the wooden before you go to get the fire out and one of the biggest mistakes leaders make is not fully training the members on their team.


  1. Stress management is another skill that today’s leaders need to develop. The workplace can be a stressful place and the leader needs to know how to roll with the punches. We work to live we don’t live to work, and balance is going to be the key.


  1. A true leader always sets the example. Your team is always going to be watching your every move so act the way you want your team to act and you will be developing Solutions oriented team.


For more information on how you can develop your leadership skills if you want to know about our executive coaching services reach out to me today and let’s chat.

You can contact me at 

or call 888-267-6098

Check out this episode!