Monday, December 06, 2021

Leadership Lessons for 2022

There are many Leadership lessons for 2022 based on what has happened in 2021. Today Im going to share 7 different leadership styles that you can evaluate and decide which one is best for you.

Check out this episode!

The Power of Making a Commitment! Dr.Rick Goodman Motivational Keynote S...

Tuesday, September 21, 2021

The Laws of Success The Alex Project The Results

The Laws of Success The Alex Project The Results! To say the Alex project was an amazing success would be an understatement. The results have been outstanding and keep getting better. 

Check out this episode!

Monday, September 20, 2021

The Laws of Success The Alex Project Lesson 16 The Golden Rule

The final lesson in Law of Success is  the Golden Rule”, and how it is  the driving force in gaining success. The Golden Rule” is defined as “the guiding star that will enable you to profitably and constructively use the knowledge assembled in the previous lessons”.

Check out this episode!

Friday, September 17, 2021

The Laws of Success The Alex Project Lesson 15 Tolerance

The fifteenth lesson in the Laws of Success is Tolerance which is more important in todays world as ever! Intolerance is a form of ignorance that must be mastered for you to grow and learn to communicate more effectively.

Check out this episode!

Thursday, September 16, 2021

The Laws of Success The Alex Project Lesson 14 Profiting By Failure

The fourteenth lesson in Napoleon Hill’s Law of Success is titled “Profiting by Failure.” In this lesson, Hill has different view of the meaning behind the word “failure”. Normally a negative word, Hill distinguishes failure from temporary defeat, and temporary defeat can at times be a blessing in disguise.

Check out this episode!

Monday, September 13, 2021

The Laws of Success The Alex Project Lesson 13 Cooperation

In he laws of success lesson 13 talks about the amazing success you can have through cooperation. The outstanding achievements in business, industry, finance, and technology are all based upon the principle of cooperative effort. Every day we hear about mergers and acquisitions of companies or alliances that are formed based upon cooperation. Almost every great achievement in the world has been made with cooperative effort.

Check out this episode!

Sunday, September 12, 2021

The Laws of Success The Alex Project Lesson 12 Concentration

In his twelfth lesson in Law of Success, Napoleon Hill discusses the importance of concentration in achieving great success. The lesson defines concentration as “the act of focusing the mind on a given desire until ways and means for its realization have been worked out and successfully put into operation.”

Check out this episode!

Rebrand Yourself and Achieve Your Goals! Motivational Keynote Speaker - ...

Friday, September 10, 2021

The Laws of Success The Alex Project Lesson 11 Accurate Thinking

According to author Napoleon Hill, the eleventh lesson in his proclaimed Law of Success course is the most important, most interesting, and unfortunately the most difficult lesson Accurate Thinking!

Check out this episode!

Thursday, September 09, 2021

The Laws of Success The Alex Project Lesson 10 A Pleasing Personality

The tenth lesson of Law of Success discusses the importance of having a “pleasing personality”. It is defined as a personality that attracts, and proceeds to explore the causes of this attraction.

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, September 08, 2021

File Progress The Laws of Success The Alex Project Lesson 9 The Habit of Doing More Than Paid

The Solutions Oriented Leader with the ninth lesson of the laws of success the Alex project The Habit of Doing More Than Paid for Napoleon Hill explores another topic that is vital to achieving success in the ninth lesson of this book, titled “The Habit of Doing More Than Paid For.” Essentially self-explanatory, this rare characteristic often results in countless opportunities for a person and will add much to one’s credibility and reputation.

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, September 07, 2021

How to Communicate Effectively "It's All About Them" Dr. Rick Goodman Le...

The Laws of Success The Alex Project Lesson 8 Self Control

The eighth lesson in Napoleon Hill’s reading course discusses self-control, and its great importance to achieving success. A lack of self-control resembles the unharnessed lightning of an electrical storm – it may strike anywhere; it may destroy life and property.

Check out this episode!

Monday, September 06, 2021

The Laws of Success The Alex Project Lesson 7 Enthusiasm

In the seventh lesson in Law of Success, Napoleon Hill discusses the great importance of “enthusiasm”, and how integrating enthusiasm into your life will ultimately lead to success.

Check out this episode!

Friday, September 03, 2021

The Laws of Success The Alex Project Lesson 6 Imagination

In The sixth lesson Napoleon Hill discusses the need for imagination. Hill emphasizes this as being one of the most important of the lessons for success. imagination is the one power that no person can take away from you

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, August 31, 2021

The Laws of Success The Lex Project Lesson 5 Initiative and Leadership

The Laws of Success Lesson 5: “Initiative & Leadership” Hi this is Dr Rick Goodman leadership expert and the author of the book The Solutions Oriented Leader with the fifth lesson of the laws of success the Alex project Initiative and Leadership

Check out this episode!

Monday, August 30, 2021

The Laws of Success The Alex Project Lesson 4: The Habit of Saving

The Laws of Success The Alex Project Lesson 4: The Habit of Saving This is Dr Rick Goodman keynote speaker, leadership expert executive coach and the author of the book The Solutions Oriented Leader with the fourth lesson of the laws of success the Alex project The Habit of Saving

Check out this episode!

Sunday, August 29, 2021

The Laws of Success The Alex Project Lesson 3 Self Confidence

The Laws of Success The Alex Project Lesson 3: Self Confidence law of attraction. Hi this is Dr. Rick Goodman keynote speaker, leadership expert, executive coach and the author of the book The Solutions Oriented Leader with the third lesson of the laws of success the Alex project self confidence.

Check out this episode!

Friday, August 27, 2021

The Laws of Success The Alex Project Lesson 2 A Definite Chief Aim

The second of lesson in Law of Success is referred to as “A Definite Chief Aim”, which is exactly what Hill is instructing the reader to find. I call it using your strengths for the highest and best use.

Check out this episode!

Sunday, August 22, 2021

The Laws of Success The Alex Project Lesson 1 The Mastermind Principal

The Laws of Success The Alex Project Lesson 1: The Mastermind Principal Hi This is Dr Rick GOODMAN and today I would like to share with a you a project and the results 9 years later. It's called The Laws of Success The Alex Project Project.

Check out this episode!

Thursday, July 22, 2021

I Can I Must I Will

When times are tough I remember the mantra I Can , I Must, I Will!

This simple mantra has kept myself and many others focused on their goals and what they could accomplish on the field and in life!

Check out the podcast and make this mantra work for you!

Check out this episode!

Thursday, July 01, 2021

What Really Is Thought Leadership?

What really is thought leadership? I have been asked by clients, organizations and the media. It's todays topic on the solutions oriented leader podcast.

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

A Conversation with Chef Jose Gonzales Eddie V's Darden Restaurants

In this episode of the solutions oriented leader podcast we have a conversation with Chef Jose Gonzales for Eddie V's Seafood Restaurant in Fort Lauderdale, a member of The Darden Restaurant Group. Chef Gonzales has a great story about his journey on the road to success while developing an amazing leadership style all is own!

Check out this episode!

Friday, May 07, 2021

How to Hire a Transformational Leadership Expert

Hiring a transformational leadership expert to help guide you in building your business in a changing world, is crucial if you want to stay ahead of the competition. In This episode of the solutions oriented leader podcast you will discover how to hire a transformational leadership expert and the key questions to ask.

Check out this episode!

Monday, May 03, 2021

How to Tell If Your Team Is Solutions Oriented

As a Keynote speaker on leadership, attendees want to know how to tell if your team is solutions oriented? There are a number of signs of a solutions oriented team and I am going to share them with you in this episode of The Solutions Oriented Leader Podcast.

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Planning In The Workplace

Planning in the work place is critical for the success of your organization today and in the future. In this episode of the Solutions Oriented Leader Podcast you will discover how preplanning with your team and sharing your goals in advance increases productivity  and success!

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

Why Employees Leave and How to Keep Them

Why employees leave and how to keep them has always been a question for human resources. As an executive leadership coach I get asked this question often.

On the one hand, the equation is pretty simple: Employees like to be at a company where they feel important and valued. They want to feel like they are able to use their talents and their time effectively, to really make an impact; and they like to feel like that effort is noticed and appreciated.

Check out this episode!

Is Your Team Solutions Oriented | Dr. Rick Goodman Executive Leadership ...

Monday, April 26, 2021

Where to Begin with Effective Team Leadership

It takes time to be an effective leader in today's business world. In this episode International Leadership Expert, Dr. Rick Goodman will share with you how to start building your own team of solutions - oriented leaders who can thrive in any business environment.

Check out this episode!

Seven Ways Strategic Planning Increases Productivity | Dr. Rick Goodman ...

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Five Key Strategies for Giving Employee Feedback

I have been asked by leaders managers and supervisors over the last 30 years is employee feedback necessary and Important.

Today I would like to share with you 5 Key Strategies for Giving Employee Feedback.

1. Have a Standard Time for Giving Feedback? 

The timing of your feedback is very important, so you want to take this into consideration.
Setting date for regular scheduled feedback is important for the continual improvement of your employee.

If your employee is not in a good mindset or if you are not in a good mindset, waiting till the mood is neutral will provide a more conducive environment to reinforce or redirect employees using constructive feedback 

2. Preparation is Crucial

Your preparation for each employee should be thorough before you provide them with feedback.
The way you approach each team member will certainly be different according to the feedback that you deliver.

When you are prepared your team members will notice by the amount of information you provide them regarding their work.

This helps the feedback to be meaningful for the employee’s continuous improvement.

3.Provide Specific Examples for Improvement

In order for any feedback to be effective you must present the employee with specific examples on what needs to be improved as well as examples of what is going right.
This will help them to focus on their strengths repeating the tasks they are doing well, while working on their weaknesses.

4. Be Transparent and Real

In the world we live in today transparency is crucial in producing improvements and creating a happy work environment.
The feedback that you provide should be honest and genuine. You want to make the employees feel comfortable receiving feedback from you.

Your actions will speak louder than your words, so remember be yourself, your goal is to coach the team member to reach their highest potential!

5. Deliver Actionable Feedback 

In order for feedback to be effective you must make it actionable so that the employee knows exactly what they need to do to improve and what steps they need to take first.

The goal is to avoid personal criticism on things that your employees can't change.

Your feedback should always be motivational, positive and with a focus on what your employees can do to reach their goals and objectives.

As you can see giving your employees feedback is crucial to building a culture of positivity.

Your employees will love to come to work focused on constant improvement in a happier work environment.

Those are some of my guidelines for effectively coaching and critiquing employees.

If you’d like to hear more about how transformational leaders deliver feedback, I’d love to tell you!

Reach out today and let’s chat together. You can contact me at or call 888-267-6098 and lets schedule a call today!

Check out this episode!

Monday, March 01, 2021

A Conversation with Career Coach Expert Paul Silitsky

Today on the Solutions Oriented Leader Podcast we have a conversation with career coach expert Paul Silitsky. Paul built the largest technology and sales recruiting firm in the country, winning “best places to work” 12 times. From entry level to top executives, he placed thousands of candidates in some of the country’s most well known companies. 

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Is Employee Feedback Necessary

I have been asked by leaders managers and supervisors over the last 30 years is employee feedback necessary and important?

Giving employee feedback is important for a number of reasons that will be discussed in this video podcast.

Check out this episode!

Monday, February 15, 2021

5 Habits of Highly Engaging Teams

Engaging teams and leaders of those highly engaged teams understand that so much of life comes down to the habits and discipline of the team members.

Highly engaged teams have systems and rituals they use to give them great results and you team can have the same results as well.

If you want your team to be more engaged—well, there are some habits to form for that, too. I recommend these five, in particular:

  1. Plan to engage. It’s difficult to be engaging when you’re making everything up as you go along. Of course, you may find yourself in unexpected situations, with some surprise opportunities to talk to employees or to potential customers—but most of the time, you will have a chance to plan. Want to run an engaging team meeting?

Take some time to plan your approach before the meeting. Want to engage a new client, rather         than bore him to death? Plan your pitch in advance.

  1. Listen. Get into the habit of understanding before you try to make yourself understood. This means getting out of the habit of talking over other people or struggling to assert your point of view first and last. Make sure you always take time to figure out where other people are coming from.
  2. They Think win-win. One of the best ways to engage people is to present your case in a win-win manner—explaining not just why you want a given outcome, but why it’s also good for the other person. Be proactive about it; force yourself to always think win-win, and to lay out benefits and values.
  3. Focus on the outcome. Always know what kind of outcome you’re looking to achieve, and lead with it. Don’t bury the lead: Whether you’re talking to a customer or a team member, be upfront about what you hope to achieve. This will give your conversations direction.
  4. Follow up. Engagement is a two-way street—and while I don’t necessarily think you need to micromanage; I do think you need to give people room to ask questions or to offer you feedback. Get into the habit of asking for these things if you’re not already.


Highly Engaged Teams Morning Rituals

  1. Morning affirmations and goals review

One of my favorite leadership lessons comes from Stephen Covey's book The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People. The Habit is: “Begin with the End in Mind”.

Many of the executives that I coach implement a morning ritual of positive affirmations while reviewing their goals. They see themselves achieving these goals as if the task has already been accomplished.

They understand what most champions in sports and business have come to understand when they say.

“When They Believe It, They Will See It!”


  1. The Walkabout

Whenever I get to the office or even start my day virtually, I like to do a walkabout. There was a company in Argentina called Neutrona Networks International, where I was the executive coach for the founders and their management team.

I would fly to Buenos Aires three times a year to work with the team and each morning when I arrived at the office, I did my walkabout. I went and greeted each team member in the company to exchange pleasantries and asked him if there was anything, they needed to do their job better.

I also asked them about their families and how they were doing. If you want to be an engaging leader it's important to also understand this principle.

“People do Business with People Who They Like Who are Like Them!”

In other words, if your team truly like you and you are engaging and sincere, chances are they will work even harder to help reach the organizations and your goals.


  1. The Morning Huddle

One of my favorite morning rituals and I believe to be one of the most important for any organization is the morning huddle. It's important to understand the philosophy behind the huddle.

The goal is to have everyone on the team communicating with the leader what they will be working on for the week.

It's also an opportunity for the leader to ask team members if they need any support to achieve their goals and objectives for the week. It's important to note that the morning huddle is not a meeting, in fact my team leader in Argentina contacted me and said the huddles were lasting too long.

Our solution was to call it a coffee huddle, when the coffee is done the huddle is over! Think of a huddle in the National Football League, the quarterback calls the plays instructs the team what to do and says break and they come out of the huddle.

I recommend that you have the huddle on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. This way you could start the week off communicating, check in with the team halfway through the week and on Friday review what had been accomplished and set the goals for Monday.

I believe by implementing these morning rituals in addition to the five habits, you'll be well on your way to becoming a more effective and engaging leader.

It takes time and diligence to be an engaging leader—and it takes the formation of good, healthy habits. Do you have any tips to add to this list on how you engage with your team or with your customers?


Check out this episode!

Friday, February 12, 2021

Why Leaders Use Executive Coaching

Why Leaders Use Executive Coaching

As a keynote speaker I am constantly asked by audience members why leaders use executive coaching and should they hire a coach.

Today I would like to share with you 6 benefits of executive coaching so you can make that decision for yourself and even the team you lead.

Check out this episode!

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Work Life Balance for Virtual Employees Dr. Rick Goodman Keynote Speaker

Work Life Balance for Virtual Employees

How do balance work and Life while working remotely that's a question I get asked all of the time by my clients and its today's topic on The Solutions Oriented Leader podcast

Check out this episode!

Monday, January 18, 2021

How to Make the Most of Your Time in 2021

Discover how to make the most of your time in 2021 and put the year of the pandemic behind you!

In 2020 when much of the world as we know it shut down due to the pandemic, many of us found we had too much free time on our hands and we were not quite sure what to do with it.

As an executive coach to Fortune 100 companies it became evident that my top-level clients were falling into time management traps. I believe there are 4-time management traps for leaders to avoid in 2021 that will enhance their success!

Check out this episode!