“A Definite Chief Aim”
The second of Napoleon Hill’s lessons in Law of Success is referred to as “A Definite Chief Aim”, which is exactly what Hill is instructing the reader to find. Hill repeatedly urges the reader to discover his or her natural talents, and to organize, coordinate, and put into use the knowledge gained from experience.
The primary cause of failure in life is to have no definite chief aim, without any attainable goals or plans to accomplish these goals. By finding your “definite chief aim” or “definite chief purpose” in life, Hill argues that this idea will be strongly embedded in the subconscious mind. That is, the idea of accomplishing your “definite chief aim” will soon transform from dream into reality.
What Hill emphasizes the most in this lesson is not just finding your “definite chief aim”, but writing both this idea and the ways that you will accomplish it down somewhere so that you will see it day after day. The result is that this will continue to keep the “definite chief aim” fresh on the mind almost at all times, until it is no longer a fantasy.
Hill closes his second lesson by explaining to the reader that the final step of the “definite chief aim”, which occurs after one has written both the aim and the ways that it will be accomplished, is to find an alliance. This alliance is meant as a support system for your “definite chief aim”, containing people who will cooperate with you in carrying out plans to achieve your goal. Therefore, this alliance should contain people such as a spouse, mother, father, brother, sister, or extremely close friend, who would only bring positivity and confidence in helping you attain your “definite chief aim”.
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