Sunday, April 21, 2019

7 Ways To Grow Your Leadership Skills - Episode 5 - Dr. Rick Goodman

Hi this is Dr. Rick Goodman and welcome to another episode to solutions oriented leader podcast today

I'm going to share with you seven ways that you can grow your leadership skills right now to achieve world-class results.

Sometimes I am asked by new leaders and  people that are just getting opportunities to grow especially new college graduates how do I get ahead what's important for me to learn?

I was just reading a study from Price Waterhouse Coopers that 77% of new CEOs are looking for two key skills and those skills are innovation and creativity. What I've also found out is that leaders are not born, leaders are developed! 

Sometimes you can have somebody with natural leadership skills, however, most of us out there have got to learn to develop our skills on a regular basis. I will also let you know that my skills were not very good right from the beginning.

In my new book The Solutions Oriented Leader I discuss how I went through over 200 front desk assistants my first two years of practice because my communication skills were quite poor and what I was missing is one common key that I've seen that is missing from so many would-be leaders on this planet and that is self-awareness!

It took me over 200 people revolving through my doors and one employee who came into my office and said if you ever speak to me like that again I'm out here for me to realize that it wasn't them it was me!

I needed to work on my communication skills so one of the first things that I decided to do was go around and meet people that were doing the things that I wanted to do! They were the leaders that I wanted to be and they also possessed certain skills and the first skill that they possessed was a self-awareness.

One of the first things that you could do in order to improve your leadership skills is take a leadership assessment go get out there and assess yourself. You can use a DISC assessment or you can go to the solutions oriented and take the free leadership style assessment

When we are doing consulting and coaching with individuals and corporations, we give people assessments right up front!


To learn more about our coaching and consulting programs contact us at 888-267-6098 or write us at



Check out this episode!

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