Sunday, May 19, 2019

Seven Traits of a Resilient Leader - Episode 12

The Seven Traits of a Resilient Leader


Many studies have indicated the importance of resilience is both an individual and leadership trait. On today’s solutions-oriented leader podcast you will discover seven traits of resilient leader. A resilient leader is a person who sees failure as temporary setbacks and they believe they can recover from them quickly. They always maintain a positive attitude and a strong sense of opportunity during tough times.


When a resilient leader faces a roadblock, they find a way to move forward and avoid getting stuck. Many resilient leaders are also transformational leaders who are constantly looking to develop other leaders in their organizations who could provide solutions that achieve excellent results.


Here is a list of the Seven Traits of a Resilient Leader:


  1. Powerful Communication:

Resilient Leaders have an ability to communicate their message in a powerful manner so that their team members understand the challenges of any situation and are developing solutions for a positive outcome. 

  1. Resilient Leaders Are Coachable:

             Any great athlete or entertainer or businessperson knows the importance of constant improvement. This is the case for resilient leaders they are open to feedback and often ask others for feedback also. Once they receive the feedback, they also demonstrate an ability to take action in a positive way. They are truly transformational leaders.

  1. They Are Risk Takers:

              Resilient leaders understand that with no risk there is no reward they understand that to be very successful you have to take risks sometimes. They understand if you continue to do the same thing you can get stuck in a rut.


  1. They Develop Other Leaders:

             Resilient Leaders understand the importance of developing other leaders. Developing everyone helps them to learn from their mistakes. It is been demonstrated that leaders who want feedback for themselves are more likely to give productive feedback and coaching to others, because they want honest feedback as well.

  1. They Believe in Change:

Resilient Leaders overruling the change in their able to provide leadership to ensure that the organizational culture is one that is change oriented. Resilient leaders embrace change and also encourage other members of their team to embrace change also. 

  1. They Are Relationship Builders:

Resilient Leaders build strong teams by creating strong and positive relationships with members of their team. Individuals may be willing to make changes but requires a positive environment and supportive relationships to be able to make that change successfully.


  1. They Are Decisive:

Resilient Leaders understand that making decisions is always difficult because no person has all the data or understands everything. They also understand that organizations cannot move forward until a decision gets made. The most resilient leaders are effective at making decisions moving forward. They make the wrong decision; they are quick to make a different decision and move in another direction.


I am also so excited to announce That “The Solutions Oriented Leader” is now a skill on Amazon ALEXA and you can click on the link below to enable regular flash briefings on leadership, employee engagement and business growth strategies.


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