Friday, January 24, 2020

4 Strategies for Delivering Solutions Oriented Feedback


4 Strategies for Delivering Solutions Oriented Feedback

As a motivational keynote speaker, I receive solutions-oriented feedback regularly from my clients. Delivering and receiving feedback as a leader is crucial for your growth and your teams growth. In this podcast I am going to share 4 strategies for delivering solutions-oriented feedback that produces results. As a motivational keynote speaker its important for me to receive feedback in order to improve my performance and the truth is that it’s necessary.


But both kinds of feedback can ultimately be valuable: We need the affirmation just as surely as we need the correction. I review some of the best motivational keynote speakers in the world to improve my skills and sometimes the feedback is painful, but that’s what makes you want to get better


And, as a leader, part of your job is delivering feedback as needed. That means offering both kinds of feedback to your employees—and frankly, it can sometimes be hard to know what to say and how to say it.


Let me offer my advice—some basic tips for transformational leaders looking to deliver employee feedback as effectively as possible.


4 Strategies for Delivering Solutions Oriented Feedback


Ask your team members for feedback on you and it will encourage them to receive feedback. When someone actually requests feedback, it’s a lot less threatening… and thus, they’re much more likely to really listen and absorb it. As a motivational keynote speaker, it’s important for me to lead by example. I am always actively seeking out feedback on my own performance which opens the door for them. Also make it clear to your employees that you’re happy to have a low-key conversation about their performance any time they like.


Focus on growth opportunities and solutions. When your feedback is all about results, it can make your team members feel pressured. You can defray this by encouraging them to think in terms of learning, growth, and personal development. Don’t make your feedback about the bottom line; make it about effort. This means that you have to provide training and growth opportunities which will lead to better retention.


Take the Yoda approach. Yoda was famous for teaching by asking questions—guiding his young jedi to discovering insights on their own. You can take a similar approach when you give employee feedback, asking team members to reflect on their own performance and come up with some of their own insights. As a motivational keynote speaker, I regularly invite other speakers to critique my performance and they always start my asking me questions about how I feel it went and what I would improve.


Understand your teams personality. When you’re praising an employee, it can often be best to do so publicly—unless you know the employee to be shy, or to eschew public shows of affirmation. Meanwhile, when you criticize, it’s almost never wise to do it in front of an audience; better to take those opportunities one-on-one. This is no different than when I am about to deliver a motivational keynote speech, I send out a pre-program questionnaire so that I can understand the demographics of the audience in order to deliver a more focused message at the event which gets better results!


Those are some of my guidelines and strategies for effectively coaching and delivering solutions-oriented feedback to your employees. If you’d like to hear more about how transformational leaders deliver solutions-oriented feedback, I’d love to tell you! Reach out today and let’s chat together. You can contact me at or call 888-267-6098.


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Check out this episode!

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