Tuesday, December 09, 2008
A Super Bowl Champion Is a Champion Once Again!
As some of you might remember Michael Jones made the winning tackle in the Super Bowl in one of the most memorable plays in sports history. However in the book I spoke about Michael's determination,integrity and character in all aspects of his life.
Well Michael did it again on Friday night November 29, 2008 as the interim coach of the Hazelwood East football team he helped the Spartans to win the Missouri class five championship game. The interesting thing is he did it in typical fashion winning the game on the last play with no time left his quarterback threw a Hail Mary that was caught in the end zone to give his team the victory 39-34 which was the schools third title.
Michael is an example of all that's good about pro football and how an athlete can inspire a team and a community to achieve greatness and I am glad to call him my friend.
Dr. Rick Goodman is a professional speaker and author who will give your audience specific tools and systems that get great results. For more information on Rick's speaking programs Consulting Programs and Training programs go to www.DrRickGoodman.com or contact (888) 267-6097 or Rick@DrRickGoodman.com or on the web at
Thursday, December 04, 2008
We Are in a Recession No Duh!
I know there's a common adage that he who yells loudest might just be believed. Unfortunately there are a good number of Americans that truly believed President Bush when he said we were not in a recession.
I think it's imperative that each one of us as Americans not only begin to think for ourselves but we should also be listening to Jimmy Cricket and let our conscience be your guide not the talking heads are politicians who attempt to tell us what we should be thinking!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
A Dichotomy of Opinions "The Problems Facing The Major Networks"
I don't know if you're like me but as an American citizen looking forward to the opportunity to vote in the upcoming election. We are facing a number of issues most importantly the economy and the pessimistic attitude of most Americans towards the elections.
For just one time I would like to watch a news broadcast without getting the spin from one of the talking heads. As an independent voter and communication specialist I want to listen to what's truly being said . This is why God gave me two ears and a brain to think, I resent being told by my the news channels and I just heard something different.
Anybody who's watched Fox news knows that this channel leans towards the Republican point of view. When I watch CNN I am surprised lately at how liberal their stance is when reporting the media events of the day, it's almost as if they were a Democratic talking head. This was truly evident in the debate last night especially with the new twist of scoring the debate that the channel uses.
I particularly got a kick out of Roland Martin! When it was time for Barak Obamas opening remark Mr. Martin hit the plus one button when Senator Obama said thank you Hofstra University. His scorecard looked like a football game score 54-40 something in favor Obama. If the sender breathes does he get points?
Finally I turned to NBC news where Tom Browkow and Brian Williams were discussing the debate. I believe that Tom Browkow was the first news man on all the channels that I flipped through last night that actually had an unbiased opinion! This frankly was the most refreshing 20 minutes of news I watched all day.
I truly believe that the American people are smart enough to make their own decisions about their lives without the interference of government or the positive and negative spins that all news reporting agencies have been using in this election.
It almost makes you want to turn off the news and watch a good movie!
That's if Hollywood can make some good movies these days!
Dr. Rick Goodman is a professional speaker and author who will give your audience specific tools and systems that get great results. Dr. Rick also works with organizations that want to Develop Great Leaders "Through Excellence in Communication and Team Building". For more information on Rick's speaking programs Consulting Programs and Training programs contact (888) 267-6097 or Rick@DrRickGoodman.com or on the web at
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Effective Employee Evaluations
Effective Employee EvaluationsTake the awkwardness out of employee evaluations with written job descriptions and objective performance appraisals.
By Rebecca Jones
Jason Dauer wasn’t sure how to respond when an employee in his father’s chiropractic office crumpled up a training memo and threw it on the ground.
“She got really angry,” recalls Dauer, the office manager, who at the time oversaw a staff of four in Torrance, Calif. “It was just some points that I thought would help her do her job better, but she responded by basically attacking the doctor’s behavior. I picked it up and told her that I was going to put it in her file, whether she chose to accept it or not.”
Eventually, that employee was fired after several more reprimands for her behavior. But when she applied for unemployment, her claim was denied—precisely because Dauer was able to document the history of written reprimands she’d received and produce her poor job evaluations.
The evaluation process with that employee made for some tense moments for Dauer, but in the end, his diligence proved sound business practice.
Fear of conflict is very likely one big reason that a recent survey of ACA members revealed that 35 percent do not conduct regular formal job evaluations for their office staff. “We want people to like us and love us, and so we don’t correct some things that need to be corrected,” says Rick Goodman of Pembroke Pines , Fla. , a chiropractor-turned-business-consultant, motivational speaker and the author of Living a Championship Life: A Game Plan for Success. “We’ll see someone making mistakes, but we’re not willing to step up and talk about it because we fear they’ll leave if we do. But I would rather not have somebody there than to have somebody in my office who was not doing the right thing.”
Fortunately for most employees, job evaluations not only aren’t painful; they’re beneficial for all parties involved. Done right, they can lead to happier employees, happier patients and a smoother-running office.
“The reason we do them in the first place is to set goals for an employee, to judge the results achieved and to create performance criteria that can be met and measured,” Goodman says. “A lot of times we may find that the goals we’ve set are unreachable, and one of the major reasons for burnout is that people are given responsibilities they simply aren’t able to perform.”
Timely, regular and written job evaluations should be part of every chiropractic practice, and should include front office as well as professional staff.
Put It in Writing
Step one is creating a written job description, advises Goodman. The description can be narrow to include only those things the chiropractor wants and expects an individual to perform. (“I don’t want my front desk staff answering billing questions. Our billing manager will answer the billing questions,” says Timothy Nelson, DC, who oversees a staff of 13 at Heritage Health, an integrated healthcare center in Centennial, Colo. ) Or it can be broadened by including a catch-all clause such as “and any other duties deemed necessary.”
The key point is to put it in writing and have employees sign it. Over time, as office personnel and duties change, keep updating job descriptions. “We have our staff write their own job descriptions,” Goodman says. “Who knows better than them what their job is?”
Once the expectations for an employee are clear, appraising performance becomes much more objective and quantifiable.
“Focus on performance and not personalities,” Goodman says. “Focus on valid, relevant concrete issues rather than just subjective emotions or feelings.”
At a minimum, employees should receive such evaluations yearly. Goodman does employee appraisals twice a year. Dr. Nelson does them every 90 days. Whether the reviews are frequent or infrequent, the person conducting the evaluation should follow certain rules for effective interviewing:
1. Listen to what employees say.
2. Acknowledge their feelings.
3. Repeat back to employees what you’ve heard them say, so there’s no misunderstanding, and have them do the same for you.
4. If a problem arises, focus on the problem, not the person.
“You want to stop, look and listen,” says Goodman. “Stop the interaction before it can become argumentative or unproductive. Make sure you don’t get angry. Don’t get defensive. Don’t blame others. Don’t lecture. Look squarely at the problem and describe it as you see it to employees. Then listen to their suggestions and explore ways to solve it together. A lot of times, employees will give me solutions that I didn’t have in my head.”
Turn the Tables
Dr. Nelson believes it’s equally important to allow employees the chance to assess their own performance and working conditions.
“I ask them how they think they’re doing professionally and what they see as problems,” he says. “I give them three days to think about it before we meet. I tell them, ‘Don’t tell me I don’t like working with so-and-so.’ But I have them tell me what they do and don’t like about their job and what could be done to improve the job. Over the years, I’ve discovered that what I may think is important really isn’t important to them, and things they think are important would never have occurred to me.”
Finally, discuss any plans for improvement and set new goals. Goodman suggests focusing on three to five written goals for the coming year. “If you give them a lot of things to improve, they won’t be too motivated, and they’ll end up leaving. We want to quantify specifically what’s expected. Say, ‘I expect us to hit this goal, and this goal and that goal. What do you think is the best way to go about that?’ Different people may have different ways of achieving the same goal.”
Dr. Rick Goodman is a professional speaker and author who will give your audience specific tools and systems that get great results. Dr. Rick also works with organizations that want to Develop Great Leaders "Through Excellence in Communication and Team Building". For more information on Rick's speaking programs Consulting Programs and Training programs contact (888) 267-6097 or Rick@DrRickGoodman.com or on the web at http://www.drrickgoodman.com/
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
How to Create a Successful Team
People do business with people who do like, who are like them if we understand this concept. It is more important than ever before, that there is a positive chemistry among your staff members. The more your staff members enjoy working with each other better care your patients will receive.
So here are three things you can do right away, in order to build and create a successful team that is ready to assist you in providing health care to your patients.
1: You must have regular staff meetings. Although most people don't like to be in meetings they're important in order to set goals, solve problems and get everybody on the same page.
2: Design group activities that involve all staff members in a setting other than your office. Make it fun! This will not only help team members bond with each other. It should also help them bond with you
3: Constantly catch your team members doing the right thing and let them know how much you appreciate it. Then tell the rest of the staff members, what a great job that person did and be specific. Everyone wants Love, Appreciation and Respect, if you give them those three things you will have a group of highly motivated quality staff members on your team.
Dr. Rick Goodman speaks from real -Life experiences and achieves great results! Rick is the author of Living a Championship Life "A Game Plan for Success" http://livingachampionshiplife.com/ which has been widely acclaimed since its release.
Rick has worked with companies of all sizes-from small businesses and entrepreneurial startups to Fortune 500 companies His high-energy content rich keynotes, seminars and workshops are designed for associations and firms of all sizes that want to maximize their potential.
For more information on Rick’s keynote speaking programs, audio programs and training programs go to http://www.dr.rickgoodman.com/ or call 888-267-6098
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Let Go Jets!
Today's the big day I'm up early and I can't hardly sleep! Today could be the ultimate showdown at Dolphins Stadium and I'll be in the house. It Brett Favre versus Chad Pennington I think the football gods had this planned out right.
With hurricane Ike bearing down on South Florida it should be a balmy 90° at game time. There's nothing like a Dolphins Jets game except this game will come with historic proportions. I was fortunate enough to be in New York when the Jets acquired Favre not knowing that the first game of the season would be in my own backyard 10 minutes from my house.
The other big unknown in this game in my opinion is Ricky Williams. Will he show up to be the outstanding running back he was in his first years with a Dolphins and increase the value of the jersey I have sitting in my son's room in early tank it and go down in the first game like he did last year? Time will tell, but anyway you look at it at NFL football Dolphins versus Jets Game On!
Dr. Rick Goodman speaks from real -Life experiences and achieves great results!
Rick is the author of Living a Championship Life "A Game Plan for Success" http://LivingaChampionshipLife.com/ which has been widely acclaimed since its release.
Rick has worked with companies of all sizes-from small businesses and entrepreneurial startups to Fortune 500 companies His high-energy content rich keynotes, seminars and workshops are designed for associations and firms of all sizes that want to maximize their potential.
For more about Dr. Rick or to retain his services to speak to your company, visit http://www.DrRickGoodman.com or call (888) 267-6097
Friday, September 05, 2008
Heineken And Burns House Companies, What a Fantastic Experience!
I just got back from a fabulous experience down in the Bahamas working with Heineken http://www.heineken.com/ and the Burns House Companies the number one distributor in the Bahamas!
The topic was change management and is as anybody knows changes isn't always easy. However this enthusiastic group of managers, supervisors and team leaders took on the task and I know they're going to achieve outstanding results!
This is the third time I've had an opportunity to work with Heineken and I have to say that whether I'm speaking in St. Lucia, Puerto Rico, or the Bahamas every person I've met in this organization is first rate. That's not easy to say in this day and age so it must be reflection on the people and the product.
Each morning, I delivered a keynote speech on leadership called Striving for Excellence to their salesforce and marketing executives. I was received enthusiastically and afterwards signed hundreds of copies of my new book Living a Championship Life A Game Plan for Success. Today I'm thinking about my friends down there in the Bahamas, who are about to experience hurricane Ike.
I know with their positive attitude and strength of leadership they will not only withstand the winds of Ike, but also the winds of change!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Healthy Tension Makes a Healthy Candidate
I was recently reading an article in the South Florida Sun Sentinel http://sun-sentinal.com/. The article focused on how Senator John McCain liked to solicit advice from Senators, campaign consultants, and even his former deputy press secretary. The article went on to focus on how McCain even publicly disagreed with his own spokeswoman Jill Hazelbaker after she used a line of attack against Senator Barack Obamaa that he had approved.
In a recent interview, McCain said "You've got to have competing opinions, I think a certain amount of tension is very healthy and a certain amount of different views are also good for a candidate or a President. After just having finished, the New York Times best-selling book Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin it is most evident that one of our greatest presidents Abraham Lincoln, filled his cabinet with advisers who not only did not like each other on many levels, but also had opposing views on how the country should be run.
Had it not been for the strong leadership skills of Abraham Lincoln and his ability to bring together individuals who had opposing views, sometimes causing great amounts of tension in the Cabinet and in the White House we might not be the country that we are today. I would like to see healthy tension in opposing views with whomever is elected as our next president. How about you?
Dr. Rick Goodman speaks from real -Life experiences and achieves great results! Rick is the author of Living a Championship Life "A Game Plan for Success" http://livingachampionshiplife.com/ which has been widely acclaimed since its release. Rick has worked with companies of all sizes-from small businesses and entrepreneurial startups to Fortune 500 companies His high-energy content rich keynotes, seminars and workshops are designed for associations and firms of all sizes that want to maximize their potential.
For more about Dr. Rick or to retain his services to speak to your company, visit http://www.drrickgoodman.com/
Monday, July 28, 2008
Don't Participate in the Recession!
For the last 20 years I've been studying success in business, sports and individual successes. I've had the opportunities to see what it takes to not only survive in a poor economy, but actually thrive and get ahead.
What do all championship athletes and teams have in common with the world’s most successful people?
They all have a game plan for the ultimate victory! Whatever you want to achieve is entirely possible, and all it takes is having a strategic game plan, and maintaining your focus - just like the pros.
In my new book Living a Championship Life, I will provide you with just that plan. It includes practical, real-life insights, and easy-to-implement action steps that will dramatically free up your time, increase your wealth, and help you solidify your most important relationships.
Features practical information on how to:
Design a winning game plan for success
Transform your fears into victory
Master your communication in any situation
Create life balance and magic moments in all areas of your life
My goal is to see each and every one of you succeed in achieve everything that you want to in life!
I'm extending a special offer to all readers my blog who want to prevent the pain and suffering of the poor economy.
Just go to the link below and receive a special discounted price on my new book, Living a Championship Life "A Game Plan for Success" just for you! In addition, I'm going to include the motivational and informational CD album Striving for Excellence. The information contained in the book and on the CD album will save you time, money and countless hours of stress.
Just go to this link to receive your special offer:
Best regards on your road to success!
Dr. Rick Goodman
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Is Your Customer Service Losing You Money ?
I have a favorite market that like to shop at when I'm looking for fresh meat or fresh seafood, and it's right around the block from my house. I've been there on a number of occasions when I was served by a gentleman who obviously did not want to be there. In the past I had paid special attention in order to build rapport with this individual and even maybe put a little smile on his face.
Yesterday I decided to run over to the market, and hopefully arrive before they closed at seven o'clock. I walked through the door at 6:15 p.m. and proceeded to the vegetable and fruit area of the store. As I was shopping I glanced over to seafood section and glanced over at Mr. Happy the gentleman who had served me on previous occasions.
He had that look of, I don't want to be here, I can't wait to get out! I walked over to him and asked him how he was doing and he barely answered me with a shrug. I then picked out some red snapper and was looking to make another purchase. The fresh tuna in the section looked pretty good. However, I was interested in a smaller piece, one that he could cut fresh that would meet my needs with almost 40 minutes left in his day. He looked up at me and said I can't cut you a piece of fish you'll have to take what's here. He then proceeded to pick up bigger and bigger pieces asking me if I wanted any of those, He just wasn't listening!
I looked at him and said, no, I think I'll pass and then I preceded over to the checkout counter without making any additional purchases. Here's my question; How many people that day, or this month, decided on passing on getting more food because of this individuals lousy customer service.
It's unfortunate, but when customers leave us because of poor service they generally don't tell us in advance. Your customer service can increase your business or kill your business very rapidly. It's more important than ever before to look for customer service oriented people when you're involved in the hiring process. With increasing competition to businesses that have the best customer service will survive and thrive in our market today.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Preparing Your Team To Succeed
It's important to design systems in your office as if you were going to open up five more offices. Everything must feel touch and taste the same way. Your staff should be able to go from one office to another and the systems in each office should already be in place so there is no need for further training.
It's important for you analyze your systems and ask yourself the following questions:
1: Can my staff members go to any of my satellite offices and function without having to be trained?
If your answer is yes then your systems can be duplicated.
2: Does my staff understand what the weekly monthly and yearly goals are for our practice and do I cover that in our weekly staff meetings?
If your answer to this is No your team will be unprepared to assist you in achieving your goals.
It was once said "No plan is a plan to fail". In order to prepare your team to succeed it is imperative that you have systems in place that will assist your staff in helping you to reach your goals and they have to understand what those goals are.
Dr. Rick Goodman is a professional speaker who works with organizations that want to Develop Great Leaders “Through Excellence in Communication and Team Building”. For more information on Rick’s speaking programs, Audio Programs and learning programs contact (888) 267-6098 or Rick@drrickgoodman.com (www.drrickgoodman.com)
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Check Back Your Key to Delegation Success
One of the best delegation techniques I've ever come across is one that I call: Check Back!
Now check back is not check up. After all, if you're checking up on a staff member the first thought that comes into their mind is that you don't trust them. You could be the best worker on the planet and if somebody is standing behind you’re back watching you do your job you're going to make mistakes. So we use a technique called Check Back and here's how it works:
Step One: Assign a team member, a task to do and ask them the question, when can I Check Back with you? The ball is now in their court they have to give you a time when they are going to have the task completed and a commitment to getting it done. Now get out of the way!
Step Two: You Must Check Back! If you assign a task to a staff member and don't follow up at the assigned time you're sending a message that you don't care. The next time you assign a task to that team member they will drag their feet and be more likely to sabotage the process.
Step Three: If you have Checked Back with that employee and they've completed the task let them know how much you appreciate it. If they have not completed the task then you want to ask the key question and the question goes like this: you asked your children to go upstairs and clean up their room, you go upstairs and an hour later and the room is not cleaned up, what is the first question that you asked your child?
Why? And the answer better not be Because.
When we assign tasks to our employees, we expect them to complete the tasks especially if they've made a commitment. Now if they don't like the task they are doing that's okay, we expect them to see it through to the end. The next time a similar task comes up; we explain to them that they really don't have to do it. However we explain to them the consequences and then it's their choice.
The use of Check Back is a fabulous technique that allows your team to accomplish tasks that you assign to them which ultimately strengthens the team and its individual members both personally and professionally. It has been my experience that when I get out of the way good things happen!
Dr. Rick Goodman is a professional speaker who works with organizations that want to Develop Great Leaders “Through Excellence in Communication and Team Building”. For more information on Rick’s speaking programs, Audio Programs and learning programs contact (888) 267-6098 or Rick@drrickgoodman.com (www.drrickgoodman.com)
leadership, rickgoodman,advantagelegalseminars,delegation
Friday, March 14, 2008
Attitude Is The Difference
In 1988 I was sitting at a seminar listening to a speaker talk about the power of affirmations and how it had changed his life. He was a doctor who had been in practice for 15 years, I had heard a great deal about him, he had a one of the most successful practices in town. However, this was just one side of the story I was about to hear the whole truth.
The doctor spoke about his first five years in business, when no patients were coming in the door and he was struggling just to survive. He was close to bankruptcy when he learned about the power of affirmations and its positive effect on your outcome. I asked him how often he did these affirmations and he told me that he was repeating positive affirmations three times a day for the last 10 years.
I knew he was a pretty successful doctor, or at least what I thought was success at the time. I knew he had a big practice, a brand-new house and his new Porsche was parked right outside the hotel.
That night I went home to reflect on, all I had just heard. I was reading a book called Successful Achievement by Sydney N. Bremer Ph.D. He described the story of Dr. Orison Swett Marden the founder of Success Magazine http://www.successmagazine.com/. Right in the middle of the page I noticed a quote, little did I know that I would read this simple affirmation and write a blog about it 20 years later.
It said "Constant affirmation increases courage and courage is the backbone of confidence. Furthermore, when a person gets in a tight place and says ‘I must,’ ‘I can,’ ‘I will,’ he not only reinforces his courage and strengthens his confidence but also weakens the opposite qualities."
This simple affirmation is one of the most powerful techniques that you can use to help you to form a positive can-do attitude.
Say this affirmation three times a day for the next 30 days and watch your attitude soar!
Dr. Rick Goodman is a professional speaker and President of S.T.A.Consulting, Inc. He works with organizations that want to Develop Great Leaders “Through Excellence in Communication and Team Building”. For more information on Rick’s Keynote Presentations, Consulting Programs and Training programs contact (888) 267-6097 or Rick@drrickgoodman.com (http://www.drrickgoodman.com/)
Monday, March 03, 2008
Customer Service Excellence Barbecue Style
I must've changed burners and assorted parts on those inexpensive grills every year. At one point it seemed as if I was just purchasing a new barbecue grill every year. So two years ago, I decided to stop the madness and spend a lot of money on a Ducane stainless steel barbecue grill. Ducane was formerly owned by a chinese company and was recently bought by Weber the people who make the Weber kettle http://www.weber.com/.
This grill has all the bells and whistles you could want on a grill including a rotisserie, side burner and a number of other features. I was in barbecue heaven! I invited guests over every weekend just so I could show off my new stainless steel masterpiece and watch them chow down on some St. Louis barbecue. Since I live so close to the beach down in South Florida the elements have had an effect on my new grill causing the burners to rust out after only a year.
When I contacted Weber their response was No Problem! And they immediately sent me five new burners, although only one was rusted out, this was in 2006. Well justa few weeks ago, I noticed that the burners on the grill were not working properly again. So I took the grill apart to look at the burners and grill plate. They too had started to rust from the elements, most likely the salt in the air.
I once again contacted Weber and they not only sent me new burners again, they also sent an individual to replace the inside of the grill. For all intensive purposes I now had a brand new grill .I had never quite experienced customer service at this level, from a barbecue company.
So I began to think, there is definitely a lesson in this story that I can share with others and here it is...
If we all reacted as quickly to meet our customers needs as the Weber Grill Company our business would grow overnight by word of mouth alone from satisfied customers just like myself.
So the next time you looking for a barbecue grill think of Weber http://www.weber.com/ a company that truly stands by their product.
Dr. Rick Goodman is a professional speaker who works with organizations that want to Develop Great Leaders “Through Excellence in Communication and Team Building”. For more information on Rick’s speaking programs, Audio Programs and learning programs contact (888) 267-6098 or mailto:Rick@drrickgoodman.com (http://www.drrickgoodman.com/)
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Did You Say Happy Attorneys?
For the past week I've gotten some of the most thankful and appreciating phone calls and messages from one of the most unlikely sources, attorneys from around the country! Our company Advantage Legal Seminars http://www.advantagelegalseminars.com/ is now approved in 21 states for continuing legal education and continues to grow.
This means that attorneys in any one of these states can purchase our courses online or by audio CD and get credits in multiple states.The upward mobility of many of these attorneys means that they are more and more licensed in multiple states. When one of our customers calls and they find out they will not have to travel in order to get credits in multiple states, we create a happy customer!
Two of the last testimonials really impressed me and I'd like to share them with right now!
I very much enjoyed listening to your course as unlike other ethics courses I've attended over my 41 years at the Kennedy Space Center it focused on actual situations the speaker had dealt With and how the attorneys first responsibility is to his client and not how much fee he can generate. What was nice was the relation on the speaker's part as to how taking care of his clients in a fair and ethical manner engendered manifold beneficial returns that the attorney did not expect nor seek. A presentation well done -Douglas G. Hendrickson Esq., Chief Counsel, Kennedy Space Center
There is no faster or easier way to earn a lot of CLE is in a hurry! Thanks for your quick turnaround and support-Brent W. Yessin Esq.
I'm so excited that were able to help so many people in fact. We are going to be developing three new programs for Advantage Legal Seminars customers this year alone. The year is off to a rapid and exciting start and I look forward to more happy customers in the future!
Dr. Rick Goodman is a professional speaker who works with organizations that want to Develop Great Leaders “Through Excellence in Communication and Team Work”. For more information on Rick’s speaking programs, Audio Programs and learning programs contact (888) 267-6098 or mailto:Rick@drrickgoodman.com (http://www.drrickgoodman.com/)
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Hillary Clinton Has Just Realized Personality Is Important!
"People do business with people who they like, who are like them" This is Business 101! I was watching Meet the Nation on CBS this Sunday morning and I was amazed to hear one of the commentators say that Hillary Clinton had just discovered that personality was going to be important in the presidential race.
To me this remark was kind of funny and struck a chord. You would think that everyone in the presidential primaries, knows that people will vote for you if they like you.
The issues are important don't get me wrong, however people buy feelings and emotions and until Hillary Clinton showed some emotion she had little connection and rapport with the voters.
If a candidate shows little emotion, although their arguments and intent are good there will only be a few voters in their audience that they will connect with. However, when people have that warm feeling when someone is truly loved the sky is the limit. If Hillary wants to win the election, she must be truly loved.
The question is, how can she accomplish this?
In my program "Striving for Excellence" which is currently playing on YouTube http://youtube.com/ I discussed two triads. The Personal and Professional Triads, specific principles that one must understand in order to be successful. If any of the candidates can master these triads they will surely gain the presidency.
The legs of Professional Triad are Love, Appreciation and Respect. In order for any candidate to win the race the American people are going to have to fall in love with the candidate. It's going to be important for the candidates to demonstrate in return their appreciation and love of the American people and their willingness to make a difference.
Lastly, the American people have got to respect their candidate. With the economy slipping these days, we want somebody that we can respect that will tell the truth. This is what the American people deserve!
Any candidate who runs in this race, and doesn't garner the respect of the American people will surely lose the election.
The Personal Triad in some respects may be even more important than the Professional Triad. The Legs of the Personal Triad are Faith, Forgiveness And Gratitude. The next president of this country must be a person who possesses an amazing amount of faith. I'm not talking about faith in a religious sense. I'm talking about faith in their abilities in the abilities of the American people to rise above the challenges that we face every day.
The candidate must also possess an enormous capacity of Forgiveness. They will need to be able to forgive themselves and forgive others, because the decisions that they will make may be the most challenging they ever face in their lives.
The last is Gratitude, this leg is like a magnet that attracts all success. When a person is grateful for their circumstances, even in the darkest of times, they will attract the best for the American people.
I believe that the candidate that can harness these principles will be the next president of the United States. I just hope the American people make the right decision!
Dr. Rick Goodman is a professional speaker who works with organizations that want to Develop Great Leaders “Through Excellence in Communication and Team Work”. For more information on Rick’s speaking programs, Audio Programs and learning programs contact (888) 267-6098 or mailto:Rick@drrickgoodman.com (http://www.drrickygoodman.com/)