Friday, May 04, 2012

The Alex Project: Laws of Success "Imagination"

            The sixth “Law of Success” that Napoleon Hill discusses involves the need for imagination.  Hill emphasizes this as being one of the most important of the lessons in his book.  The chapter on imagination calls for the reader to use the one power that no person can take away from them.

Man has the ability to cheat and slander other men, but a man has no power over any mans imagination. Hill maintains that the idea of daydreaming is not a useless one, but rather that many vital ideas and products were developed through the act of daydreaming. Simple use of imagination has proven to lead to success, with the creation of “Five and Ten Cent Stores”, “Self-Help Grocery Stores”, and even the Panama Canal as evidence.

The main point that Hill intends to emphasize in this lesson is to use your imagination to rearrange old ideas into new combinations. With maximum effort combined with imagination, you can achieve maximum achievement. This is where a “Master Mind” group will become vital, as the collective effort provides for even greater imagination.

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