Saturday, December 28, 2019

3 Keys to Scaling Your Company Culture


                    Three Keys to Scaling Your Company Culture




There are three keys to scaling your company culture successfully if your organization as grown in the past year. In this episode of The Solutions Oriented Leader Podcast I am going to share with you the three keys to scaling your company culture successfully.


Every entrepreneur wants to see their business grow—but in some ways, that growth can be a two-edged sword. For instance, you may feel like your unique company culture is a key component of your success—and a primary factor in your growth. But when you achieve that growth, you may find that your culture is difficult to hold onto.


This is by no means an uncommon realization that a 10-person team become more difficult to uphold when there are 25 or 50 or 200 of you.


The good news is that there are three key steps you can take to develop a culture that will grow with you—in short, a culture that scales.


Here are my Three Keys to Scaling Your Company Culture


How to Scale Your Company Culture


  1. Define your ideal culture


It’s always best to define success, setting a clear goal for what your company values should be. This isn’t about logistics like snacks in the break room or where you have the company holiday party. It’s more a matter of defining those intangible things that you’d like your company to be defined by—like collaboration, or relationship, or improving the lives of customers, or whatever else. These intangible things can easily be adapted as your business evolves.


  1. Build a culture team.


This is something more companies should do. Assemble a group of employees—ideally from different levels within the corporate hierarchy—and let them get together once a month or so to initiate cultural initiatives. Task them with creating and refining a statement of culture, and of reviewing the company’s activities to ensure ongoing cultural alignment.


  1. Make culture a part of your onboarding process.


One final suggestion: If you want new employees to fit into the culture, and to contribute to it in a meaningful way, make sure you talk about culture early in the hiring process. And, ask for their take—solicit their thoughts on what kind of culture they’d like to see.


These are just a few of my recommendations for building a company culture that will scale with you—but it’s something I’d love to talk with you about even more. Reach out and let us know we can help you! You can reach me at or call 888-267-6098.


What is a solutions-oriented leader? Take the free Solutions-Oriented Leader Assessment now and claim your Comprehensive Guide to Achieve Success. Dr. Rick Goodman’s Solutions-Oriented Leader book is now available to order online. In this first-of-a-kind, comprehensive guide, author Dr. Rick Goodman leads you through the everyday challenges of the modern workplace while providing you with easy-to-implement solutions to achieve world-class results!



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Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you're not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don't want you to miss an episode. I'm adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you're not subscribed there's a good chance, you'll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes!


I'd be really grateful if you left me review over on iTunes too. Those reviews help other people find my podcasts there. It’s also fun for me to go in and read them. Just click here to review, select ratings and reviews and write a review and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is.


Thank you!


Dr. Rick


Check out this episode!

Friday, December 27, 2019

5 Ways to Overcome Decision Fatigue

                        5 Ways to Overcome Decision Fatigue


In Today’s world some of us are becoming exhausted from making hundreds of decisions weekly that affect our business and our personal lives. In this episode of The Solutions Oriented Leader Podcast I am going to give you 5 ways that you can overcome decision fatigue today!


5 Ways to Overcome Decision Fatigue


Use lists to make fewer decisions. A lot of your daily decisions can actually be avoided if you make a list and stick to it. The next time you are at the grocery store rather than walking through the supermarket trying to decide what you should buy, simply adhere to a grocery list. Daily to-do lists can have the same positive impact.


Delegate, Delegate, Delegate Hopefully, you’re surrounded by team members you trust—and if so, that means you have people to whom you can delegate decision making, especially on comparatively minor matters. Save your own decision-making energy for the really big and impactful items not the five-dollar activities!


Your best decisions are made in the morning. There is a lot of research to suggest that the best time to make big decisions is in the morning, which is when most of us have the most energy and the highest degree of decision-making tolerance. If you know you’ve got to decide about something, try to do it earlier in your workday.


Limit your options to less rather than more. For example, trying to decide between 100 different pieces of software can be maddening—so why not research two or three options, compare price points and overall value, then decide? Don’t allow yourself to become swamped by infinite choices.


Develop Daily Routines. Finally, one way you can minimize the decisions you have to make is by developing rituals and habits. For example, develop a routine of going to the gym every day at 8—and then, you no longer have to decide on each day’s workout time. Decide you’re doing to eat a salad for lunch every day, and then stop fussing over what to pack for your daily meal. Nobody likes to fall into a “rut,” but having certain rituals can really be helpful.

I hope these tips will be useful to you as you seek relief from decision fatigue. To learn more about being a decisive leader, reach out to me directly. Connect with Dr. Rick at or call 888-267-6098.

Check out this episode!

Sunday, December 22, 2019

My Top Ten List of The Most Underrated Leadership Skills

My Top Ten List of The Most Underrated Leadership Skills

There are many leadership skills that one must possess in order to be effective in their job in this episode of the solutions oriented leader podcast I will share my Top 10 list of the most underrated leadership skills that are essential for your success!

Because these leadership skills don’t quite receive their due, I thought I’d highlight a few of them today. Don’t make the mistake of underappreciating these skills, because possessing them could give you the competitive advantage you’ve been seeking!

Here’s my top ten list of the most effective leadership skills that seem to fly under the radar.


  1. Employee recognition. This is at the top of my list for a reason because without your team the odds of your success diminish greatly. It’s no small thing to pause long enough to tell an employee that you notice and appreciate their good work, or to commend them on a recent project where they exceeded expectations. Indeed, some leaders find it rather difficult to give a pat on the back to deserving team members, but it’s actually a critical skill that can help you motivate and engage the people who work for you.
  2. Sense of humor. Some leaders need to lighten up a bit! You know what they say about all work and no play! While leaders obviously need to be focused and know when it’s time to get down to business, there is also a need to show a sense of humor from time to time. For one thing, a little levity can help to alleviate stress and defuse workplace tension. Also, it can help you come across as a little less intimidating; when team members see that you have a sense of humor, it can make them feel more comfortable approaching you with questions or concerns.
  3. Gut instinct. This is one of the questions I ask my team, what does your gut say? I highly recommend that leaders seek data and analytics before they make any big decisions, ensuring they’re being prudent and informed. At the end of the day, though, you’ve got to reach a conclusion, deciding what needs to happen for your team. Sometimes, that may mean listening to your intuition. Gut instinct may not be unerring, but sometimes it saves you from being paralyzed in indecision.
  4. Respect.  You must give it to get it! Do your employees feel like you respect them? And if so, can you name some specific ways in which you exhibit respect? If you don’t respect your employees, it’s unlikely that you’ll keep them motivated or engaged for very long. This is a critical workplace skill for you to hone.
  5. Empathy. I mentioned the importance of active listening above. Empathy is a close cousin, and an important way for you to show employees that you care about them. Work on your ability to understand what your employees are going through, professionally and personally, and to show understanding when they’re facing tough times. You are in this thing together and having empathy can go a long way!
  6. Trust. Trust is a two-way street. Naturally, you want your team members to trust you, but you also need to feel comfortable trusting them. For example, how often do you delegate? Do you give your employees space to work on projects without micromanaging them? Do you have confidence in their ability to do the things you hired them to do? If not, maybe you shouldn’t have hired them; or maybe, you need to develop your ability to trust!
  7. Dedication. You can’t ask your team to do something that you would not do! Of course, you’re dedicated to your business… but are you showing it to the team? Are you willing to roll up your sleeves and help out with big projects, especially if deadlines are looming or the employees are struggling? And during a tense or busy season, are you there to offer your support, or ducking out early to play golf? Dedication is high on my list of crucial, effective leadership skills.
  8. Positive thinking.  Teams go where you go! Are you good at emanating positive vibes, and helping everyone around you to look on the bright side? The thing is, negativity tends to spread pretty quick, and it can suffocate workplace morale. A good leader is able to keep the mood fairly positive, and the outlook hopeful, even during tough times.
  9. Inclusivity. Inclusivity is more than a buzzword. It’s an important strategy, a way to ensure that everyone on your team is positioned to offer their ideas and to contribute to final outcomes. You need everyone to feel included in order to create team cohesion and to foster employee engagement. So, are you good at fostering an environment of inclusion? Are you skilled in helping all employees feel like they are valued members of the team?
  10. Curiosity. I’m a big fan of curiosity, and an admirer of curious people. When you’re curious, it means you’re constantly looking for new ways to learn, new skills to develop, new avenues for expanding your knowledge base. And, curiosity can be a catalyst for creative problem solving and out-of-the-box thinking.


Let us show you how to develop your leadership skills today!

As you consider your options for developing any kind of effective leadership skills, I encourage you to reach out. I’d love to talk with you about my services as a coach, consultant, and beyond. Contact me at your next opportunity and let’s talk together about the leadership skills you’d like to hone. You can always connect with me at or by calling 888-267-

Check out this episode!

Friday, December 20, 2019

6 Ways to Create More Engaging and Fun Meetings

6 Ways to Create More Engaging and Fun Meetings


One of the most common complaints that I receive from my audiences when I am delivering a keynote speech on employee engagement or organizational leadership is “how can I make my meetings more fun and engaging?” Most meetings are ineffective they last forever, with a lot of words being spoken but no decisions being made, and no action steps taken. Meetings like that are pretty obviously a waste of time—and that’s equally frustrating for leaders and employees, all of whom have things they’d rather be doing.


But there’s another problem with meetings that are unengaging and boring: If all your meetings are unengaging, you’ll basically condition your team to arrive at each new meeting already expecting it to be a dreadful bore. You’ll have lost them before the meeting even begins.


So, what can you do? Is it possible to make your meetings fun and engaging? Absolutely it is. You’ve just got to be intentional in making each meeting engaging.


How to Make Your Meetings More Engaging


A few basic ways to do that include:


  1. Have a “hook” at the beginning of each meeting. Tell a funny story, show an entertaining YouTube clip, or simply take a show-of-hands poll—anything to get people engaged right from the start.


  1. Start your meetings with a clear definition of the meeting objectives—what you hope to accomplish and what all participants can expect to learn.


  1. Allow emotions into your meeting. Ask people how they’ve been feeling about work since your last meeting. Take a temperature check of office morale.


  1. Have a strong visual component to your meeting. In particular, have a way to showcase the brainstorming that’s happening and the thought that’s at work. A marker board, pin-up board, or even a sticker voting system can be useful here.


  1. Build positivity into your meeting. Share success stories that have happened since the last meeting. Consider implementing a rule that the team must say three positive things about an idea before anyone is allowed to criticize or to shoot it down. Also creating a game or competition is a great way to motivate and engage your team.


  1. Make your meeting more active. Ditch the chairs from your meeting space, and instead encourage your meeting participants to stand together in a huddle—a great way to engage their bodies and, hopefully, their minds!


Engaging meetings don’t just happen: They’re planned and executed with intention. You too can make your meetings more engaging and fun by implementing these 6 tips!


Dr. Rick Goodman CSP is a thought leader in the world of transformational leadership and employee engagement and is known as one of the most sought-after team building experts in the United States and internationally.


He is famous for helping organizations, corporations, and individuals with systems and strategies that produce increased profits and productivity without having the challenges of micromanaging the process. Some of Dr. Rick’s clients include AT&T, Caterpillar, J&J Snack Foods Corp, Heineken, IBM, and Hewlett Packard.


For more information on Rick’s speaking programs, audio programs, and learning programs, contact (888) 267-6098 or, or visit


Check out this episode!

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

7 Diiferent Leadership Styles for Your Organizational Culture

7 Different Leadership Styles for Your Organizational Culture

As a transformational leadership expert I am often asked "what is the best leadership style to use with my team"? There are many different leadership styles you can use to change your organizational culture or improve employee engagement.

In this episode of The Solutions Oriented Leader Podcast we will discuss the seven different leadership styles you can use as a leader to bring about organizational change.  

What is the relationship between leadership and organizational culture? The answer is more complicated than you might think. On the one hand it’s very difficult to impose organizational culture, taking a top-down approach.

Organizational culture really needs to come from the team, and you’ll need widespread buy-in for any cultural changes to be effective. At the same time, I do think companies need leaders who set the tone, articulate a clear sense of mission, and embody organizational culture through the daily example they set.


The good news is there’s more than one way to apply leadership within your organizational culture… and some leadership styles are more effective than others. As you consider the best way to lead your culture-building initiative, allow me to share with you seven basic leadership styles, along with my comments on how effective each one is.


7 Different Leadership Styles for Your Organizational Culture


Democratic Leadership


A leader will gain feedback and insight from each team member, then make a final decision based on the group’s consensus.


This doesn’t necessarily mean everyone is on equal footing, as the senior leader or manager may still have basic veto powers, but it does empower everyone on the team to feel like they have a say, and some authority over what the organizational culture looks like. For this reason, I’d consider democratic leadership to be one of the more effective approaches.


Autocratic Leadership


Autocratic leadership, meanwhile, is the polar opposite of democratic leadership. In this leadership style, there’s one manager or executive who makes the decision all on their own, without soliciting input from anyone else on the team.


In my opinion this just isn’t a good way to run an organization. Yes, sometimes, you may have a situation where you will just have to make a tough call, and it may be a decision that team members don’t especially like. But that should be the exception, not the rule. Taking a full-on dictatorial approach will cause resentment to fester, and it can destroy your best-laid employment engagement strategies.


Let Them Do What They Want


This third category of leadership is almost like the democratic approach taken to an extreme. It basically means that the “leader” leaves all authority to the employees, allowing them to call the shots without any checks or balances.


Trusting your employees to simply work however they like, whenever they like, can actually be a decent approach in smaller and younger companies; indeed, you’ll generally see this leadership style used in startup environments. In more mature companies, though, it can often lead to trouble… a lack of purpose, a lack of unity, a lack of cohesion.


Transactional Leadership


Another leadership style to consider for your organizational culture is; Transactional leadership. With this approach, employees are always rewarded on the basis of the work they do; so, the team that brings in a big new account will receive an increase in their paycheck or bonus. In other words, transactional leadership is all about incentivizing.


I believe that there are some strengths here, but also some limitations. On the one hand, it’s helpful to clearly lay out roles, responsibilities, and expectations. At the same time, it can actually encourage employees to put in bare-minimum effort they really need to do to get the desired reward.


Coaching-style Leadership


Still another form of leadership to consider is the coaching style. And yes, this works much like a sports coach: The leader will work on identifying and then honing the strengths of the team as well as each individual employee. Most of the time, a coaching-style approach will lead to each employee having a few areas of expertise; hopefully, when you bring all the skill sets of the team together, it results in something cohesive and impactful.


I think this is a fairly effective way to lead a team, and in fact it has a lot in common with my favorite leadership style, which is transformational leadership.



Bureaucratic Leadership


Another leadership style to think about is bureaucratic. Leaders who adopt this strategy strictly adhere to company policies and procedures. They may sometimes solicit employee input, but they’ll reject it any time it contradicts existing standards, practices and routines.


As with autocratic leadership, the bureaucratic approach may stifle your employees, making them feel too closely controlled; again, it can really deflate your employee engagement strategies. I’d generally recommend against it.


Transformational Leadership


Lastly, there’s transformational leadership. This is the model where you are always looking for ways to improve a company’s existing systems or processes. It is goal-oriented, participative, and aspirational.


I think it’s the best way to lead a team and develop organizational culture because it provides employees with a lot of autonomy, but also keeps everyone focused on the same big-picture objectives.


I’m proud to call myself a transformational leadership expert and coach, and one of my favorite things is talking with managers and executives about how they can adopt a transformational approach. If you’re looking to revolutionize your organizational culture, the transformational leadership style may be just what you’re looking for. Reach out and let’s talk!


Contact me at or call 888-267-6098, and let’s get into the details of your cultural needs.


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Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you're not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don't want you to miss an episode. I'm adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you're not subscribed there's a good chance, you'll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes!


I'd be really grateful if you left me review over on iTunes too. Those reviews help other people find my podcasts there. It’s also fun for me to go in and read them. Just click here to review, select ratings and reviews and write a review and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is.

Thank you!


Dr. Rick

Check out this episode!

Thursday, December 05, 2019

Why Changing Your Organizational Culture Is Not Working Episode 34

Why Changing Your Organizational Culture Is Not Working!

Have you ever wondered why it's so difficult to change the culture of an organization? Learn why it's so hard so you know what to do in this episode of the Solutions Oriented Leader Podcast. All companies have a culture, but not all leaders are aware of their culture. It's only when you really assess your situation and know the values and routines that drive your team and shape your business then you can truly make an organizational cultural change.


As a motivational speaker and transformational leadership expert who has worked with global organizations and Fortune 500 companies, I have discovered that there are a few reasons why organizational change fails! The number one reason I see is that leaders are not aligned with the message and vision of the organization. As I always say, “you can't sell what you don't own”! If a leader does not believe in the mission or vision, they will never be able to sell the message.

Another reason organizational change does not work is when there are no foundational elements in place. The foundational elements I'm speaking about or a statement of values and mission or vision statement that's been memorialized and shared with the whole team. Another reason I have discovered is that managers aren't empowered to do the job they are strictly in a supervisory role equipped to guide team members through the smallest of changes.

Many of the companies I work with focusing on employee engagement have told me that the employees just don't see the point in change and that's why they're not moving forward. It's critical to have open communication and share your message with your team especially when it comes to making an organizational change if it is to work.

It's important also to get your HR team involved in any type of organizational change because they will have to be dealing with key HR processes, including recruitment, onboarding and any performance management systems you have in place.  

Lastly, if organizational change is going to be successful there needs to be open communication and feedback channels so that the team feels included in decisions that will affect their lives and the focus of the company.

These are just a few of the reasons why your organizational change may not be working. If you'd like to learn more, or have any specific questions, I'd be thrilled to talk with you. Reach out anytime you want to discuss the needs of your company culture and contact me directly at or call directly at 888-267-6098



Check out this episode!

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Employee Engagement Strategy Resolutions Episode 33

Employee Engagement Strategy Resolutions

The year end is fast approaching and it’s time to reassess our employee engagement strategies to see what’s working and what can be improved. It doesn’t really matter if your employee engagement strategies are working well or if they’re failing! Maybe you haven’t even thought about it yet, but the time to do that is now.

Let me suggest a few different ways in which you can more effectively implement employee engagement strategies in the coming months and years with outstanding results. As an employee engagement keynote speaker, I am often asked buy fortune 500 company leaders and associations “how can they attract better employees and retain their best people?”

In this episode of “The Solutions Oriented Leader Podcast” I am going to discuss how you can resolve to improve your employee engagement strategies for the future.

Resolve to Pause and Assess Your Situation:

One of the best resolutions that you can make is to be proactive about pausing to seriously think about the state of your employment engagement approach. When was last time that you really thought about what was working and what was not working in your overall strategy to employee engagement? And how frequently you discuss employee engagement strategies with the rest of the members of your leadership team?

Communication is the key the building a highly engaged employee strategy, but it takes time and effort.

Resolve to be a better goal setter and communicate those goals often:

So much of employee engagement comes down to better communication systems including the frequency with which leadership communicates with the rest of the team. It’s important to make opportunities for team members available to communicate with managers and leaders in addition to giving them the tools that they need to communicate effectively. These are all critical considerations on the D umbrella of your employee engagement strategy.

Resolve to bring in an executive coach or consultant to help you implement and improve your employee engagement strategy:

If you really want to be serious about improving your employee engagement strategies, Think about enlisting a transformational leadership expert who can come and speak with you and your team.

When you have a transformational leadership expert assess your culture and offer tips for improving your approach to employee engagement and business growth you will soon be on your way to achieving world-class results.

In fact, I’d be honored if you contacted me. Reach out anytime you’re ready to talk about employee engagement strategies. We are here to help you and your leadership team implement a successful employee engagement program which will help you retain your best team members while attracting world-class employees all in the setting of a happy and healthy work environment.

If you want to contact us and discuss this further contact Dr. Rick and his team at or call directly at 888-267-6098.

Check out this episode!

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Top Ten Most Effective Eployee Engagement Strategies Episode 32

The Top Ten Most Effective Employee Engagement Strategies

One of the most common questions I’m asked after delivering a motivational keynote speech is; “How do I develop an employee engagement strategy at work”? It’s been my experience that one-size-fits-all employee engagement strategies are not very effective!

I do believe however there are number of key ingredients that most employee engagement strategies have in common in order to be effective. I’m going to call them my Top 10 Most Effective Employee Engagement Strategies in this episode of the Solutions Oriented Leader Podcast.


  1. Make sure that your employees have the right tools to perform at a high-level. Employees who don’t feel they have the right tools including computer programs and other essential technologies become apathetic and never be fully engaged.
  2. Investing in ongoing training: a Harvard University study recently was published and said that employees who don’t feel a Companies invested in improving their skills leaving find other avenues of work
  3. Employee engagement starts with on boarding. When I am working with HR professionals and business owners, I’m always telling them that the engagement process starts during the interview process. This is where you will be articulating your company culture and mission to new recruits.
  4. Recognition activities: Recognition activities are essential for the positive growth of your team. Everyone wants love, appreciation and respect for a job well done. People like to be told when they’re doing a good job.
  5. Feedback is essential to employee engagement: did you make an effort to provide employee praise and affirmation, also remember to be clear, consistent and timely with employee feedback.
  6. Create open lines of communication: I believe one of the keys to employee engagement is transparency and open communication. There are a number of different ways you can accomplish this, but make sure to have an open-door policy!
  7. What gets calendars gets done: Metrics is a crucial part of employee engagement. Your team needs to know the goals and objectives in order to increase productivity.
  8. Embrace your culture: one of the keys to employee engagement and retention is having a good work culture and making sure that your team understands how they play a role in the success of the organization in maintaining the company culture.
  9. Make opportunities to destress workplace stress and burnout are very real problems, and if you let them faster, it could eat into your employee engagement numbers. Make sure to make time for fun activities especially off-campus activities.
  10. Create a sense of balance: if as a leader you are out of balance it will be very difficult for your team to be in balance either. There’re a lot of ways you can provide employees with a greater sense of balance including Remote work options, flexibility to leave a little early to handle family matters and time for exercise.

As you can see, developing effective employee engagement strategy is a large undertaking. As you head into another year discover how employee engagement strategies can make your life easier today.


For more information contact us at or call 888-267-6098.


Check out this episode!

Friday, November 01, 2019

Why Hiring A Transformational Leadership Expert Increases Your Business Growth Episode 31

Why Hiring a Transformational Leadership Expert Increases Your Success!


If you’re trying to motivate your team and engage them at a high level hiring a transformational leadership expert as a consultant will increase your success. It Is been my experience as a consultant over the last 20 years that bringing in an outside transformational leadership expert helps to assess your business needs and increase your success much faster than if you’re doing it alone.


In this podcast I will discuss 10 reasons why you should hire a transformational leadership expert immediately.


  1. A transformational leadership expert will help you clearly define your goals and objectives.


  1. A Transformational leadership expert sees things from a different point of view which brings independence and credibility.


  1. When you hire a transformational leadership expert as a consultant you will get an unbiased and fair assessment of your business including areas for improvement


  1. A Transformational leadership expert can help you set benchmarks and defined your metrics so that you could monitor progress into the future.


  1. A good consultant can give you some examples of transformational leadership in action because they have experience from various professions and industries.


  1. A Transformational leadership consultant and coach will customize their coaching to meet your needs and core values.


  1. Hiring a transformational leadership expert can help you initiate a big change from the top of your organization to the bottom resulting in an organizational culture that is productive, happy and highly engaged.


  1. When you hire a transformational leadership expert can help bolster your employee engagement did you turn can reduce turnover costs.


  1. Once you get started focusing on thought leadership you will be able to unlock the transformational leadership mindset and become a solutions oriented leader.


  1. Working with the transformational leadership expert opens the doors to continuous improvement and self-satisfaction.


If you’re ready begin your path to success and higher transformational leadership expert reach out to me and let’s talk one-on-one and see how we can help you achieve your goals and objectives. Connect with us at

 or call us directly at 888-267-6098

Check out this episode!

Monday, October 28, 2019

5 Keys To Choosing The Best Keynote Speaker Episode 30

5 Keys to Choosing The Best Keynote Speaker


Choosing the best keynote speaker for your next meeting is one of the most important decisions you could make that can help determine the positive outcome of your meeting and a return on investment for your attendees and your organization. In fact, having the right speakers in conference lineup can help to increase your attendance numbers year after year!


There are number things that you need to know about choosing the best motivational keynote speaker for your conference. Here are five that I feel are crucial in order to make the best decision and choose the best keynote speaker.


  1. What will be unique and different about your speaker? Do they have a book? Is there point of view new and different?


  1. Will the speaker be available, or will they deliver their speech, pick up their check and head for the door?


  1. Does the speaker’s material fit with the theme of your event? A speaker could be World class however if their material is contrary to the goals of your event it’s not a fit.


  1. Will the speaker help promote the event on social media or by providing pre conference video to help increase and drive attendance?


  1. Will the speaker act like a diva who needs special attention making your life difficult?


These are all important considerations which will also provide you with questions to ask your potential keynote speakers in the future.


If you’re considering hiring the best motivational keynote speaker for your next meeting give us a call or connect with us by email to see how we can add value to your meeting. You can reach us at Or call us at 888-267-6098


Check out this episode!

Monday, October 21, 2019

6 Ways to Boost Employee Engagement Episode 29

6 Ways to Boost Employee Engagement


Employee engagement is critical if you want to retain and build a culture of solutions oriented leaders. In today’s podcast I will share with you six ways that you can immediately boost employee engagement and create a happy and productive work environment.


Studies today indicate that CEOs and see sweet executives agree the best way to retain and attract new employees is through ongoing Learning and development.


Here is six quick ways you can boost employee engagement in your organization


  1. During the on boarding process make sure that employees are fully trained and an understanding of the additional Learning opportunities available to them.


  1. Encourage cross functional training so that your team has an understanding of how other departments function while building their own skill sets.


  1. Make sure that learning an education is ingrained in your companies mission and values and continually to reinforce that message to your team.


  1. Bring in outside consultants and speakers to work with your group most CEOs and C-Suite executives agree that this is the most effective way to train their own teams.


  1. Offer flexibility to your team members who seek additional learning opportunities, after all it’s only going to help your team and you as a leader


  1. Encourage your team members to think outside the box. Don’t let them worry about failures because that’s always going to be a way they can learn and move to the next level.



If you would like more information on how we can help your team reach the next level contact us at or call 888 267-6098


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Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you're not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don't want you to miss an episode. I'm adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you're not subscribed there's a good chance, you'll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes!


I'd be really grateful if you left me review over on iTunes too. Those reviews help other people find my podcasts there. It’s also fun for me to go in and read them. Just click here to review

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Understanding The Benefits of Transformational Leadership Episode 28

I’m often asked by leaders around the world what is transformational leadership? They hear the words used but they don’t understand the benefit or the true meaning a transformational leadership. In this episode I will share with you the benefits of having a transformational leadership culture in the five steps that you can use to implement one immediately in your organization.


In order to understand why we recommend implementing a transformational leadership culture in your organization it’s important to understand some of the benefits.


A transformational leader can enhance employee morale and performance providing a strong sense of purpose to motivate change and ultimately create a work environment it’s characterized by trust.


Five steps for implementing a transformational leadership culture:


  1. Focus on your situational awareness this includes performing interviews and employee assessments to determine each individual’s highest and best use within the team.



  1. Practice what you preach and lead by example! Teams go where you go, and your employees will always be looking to make sure that you’re doing exactly what you said you were going to do. When you are a leader that walks their talk, your team will start follow-through.


  1. Create an open and transparent feedback process. Make sure that process is constructive and that you have an intentional, dynamic and value adding approach to giving feedback.


  1. Have an open-door policy: transformational leaders that are willing to accept feedback from their employees find that their employees are more willing to cooperate and be open to change.


  1. Invest in the professional development of the members of your team. There’s nothing more important than constantly developing your team members and improving their skills. This long-term investment will always pay the greatest dividends including an increasing retention and attracting even more talent.


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Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you're not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don't want you to miss an episode. I'm adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you're not subscribed there's a good chance, you'll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes!


I'd be really grateful if you left me review over on iTunes too. Those reviews help other people find my podcasts there. It’s also fun for me to go in and read them. Just click here to review, select ratings and reviews and write a review and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is.


Thank you!


Dr. Rick


Check out this episode!

Sunday, September 15, 2019

How to Empower Your Team To Be Leaders Episode 27

How To Empower Your Team Members to Be Leaders Episode 27 

Have you ever had people on your team that showed signs of being a great leader? In this episode you will discover for ways to empower your team to become better leaders in this episode of the solution during leader podcast.


It’s been my experience that many times there’ve been people on my team that could do a better job in certain areas of the business than I could. In the past I have micromanaged my employees and thought I could do everything on my own however that’s not a scalable model to grow your business. I discovered for ways that you can immediately empower your team to become better leaders and grow the team exponentially.


  1. It’s important to understand that you can’t do everything on your own if you’re going to truly scale your business. Transformational leaders who are solutions-oriented leaders understand that delegation and the development of other leaders is the key to success.


  1. The best transformational leaders inspire their team with a sense of vision. They make sure that their team understands the “Why” in everything they do because they understand the communication is the key to a transformational leader’s success!


  1. The focus of a solutions-oriented leader is to develop a culture of open communication. They understand that most employees are afraid to step up and take leadership or responsibility for fear of failure. The best transformational leaders make it clear that their employees need to speak up and express their opinions without any fear or retribution in order for the team to grow.


  1. A solutions-oriented leader understands that they need to make opportunities available for their team to attend professional development seminars, webinars, and even engage them with an executive coach. The more emphasis that is put on development of the leaders of our team, the more the team will grow producing a happy and healthy work environment.


As a leader your role for inspiring other leaders around you is vital. You have the ability to make positive changes on other people’s lives as well as your own. To talk with me Burger about ideas, reach out directly and connect with me at

or call us at 888-267-6098



Check out this episode!

Sunday, September 08, 2019

Why The Best Leaders Have A Strategic Plan Episode 26

The best leaders in the world understand the importance of strategic planning and their success. In this episode of the solutions aren’t leader podcasts we’re going to discuss why the best leaders have a strategic plan and the importance of the strategic planning process in their business growth and success.

There are a number of reasons why you should implement a strategic planning process in your organization. The number one reason is that no plan is the plan to fail!

It’s important to understand the definition of the strategic planning process wherein managers set short-term and long-term goals for the organization. It is also important to establish metrics in order to gauge where you are and what you need to do in order to accomplish your goals.

Benefits of strategic planning:

  • It gives your team the big picture of what needs to be accomplished and why.
  • It helps you to use your resources more efficiently, saving money and time.
  • It helps to define your culture and the way that you do business.
  • It makes team members accountable for their actions and productivity.
  • It adds to the overall value of your company, Association or organization.


Six quick steps to designing a strategic plan:


  1. Look at past strategic planning documents and evaluate how well the business attained those goals or fell short of those goals.
  2. Draft a vision statement and allow input from all your key stakeholders.
  3. Use the vision statement as a guide to create a mission statement and the list of company values to support your strategic plan.
  4. Understand and assess any potential roadblocks to meeting your strategic plans, making notes of the limitations an understanding who your competitors are.
  5. Decide how you can to communicate your plan to the entire team in order to get buy-in.
  6. Last create some action steps for your team how will it work towards goals? What should the resource allocation look like? And who is ultimately responsible and accountable for that portion of the plan.


These are general considerations to think about you start to design your strategic plan. Reach out and let’s discuss your goals objectives and how we can add value to your company. You can connect with me at Or call us at 888-267-6098.


For more programs to build your business go to



Check out this episode!

Thursday, September 05, 2019

Building The Right Leadership Skills For Today's World Episode 25

Building the right leadership skills in today’s world is crucial for your success as a leader. In this episode we will discuss the importance of having the right leadership skills and the seven key leadership skills that will bring you the results you desire.

I am often asked buy leaders and executives that I coach if I believe that leaders, we’re born that way or if they have developed their skills over long period of time. I believe both are true, I think that there are some natural born leaders however they always have to develop their skills and are constantly working on themselves.

I believe there is seven key leadership skills that we need to develop in order to be successful.

Seven Key Leadership Skills for Success!


  1. In today’s world leaders must be agile things can change in a minute and I have to be flexible enough to respond.


  1. Leaders need to develop their sense of vision and be able to communicate that effectively to their team in order to achieve their goals.


  1. Delegation is going to be the key to a leaders success. It’s impossible for you to do everything on your own and sometimes you’re going to find people on your team that we’ll be able to do a better job than you can.


  1. A leader is going to have to motivate their team to reach levels they never thought possible. I always say, “teams go where you go” and “you can’t sell what you don’t own.” So, it’s imperative that you walk your talk!


  1. Leaders in today’s world need to be able to develop talent. You have to put the wooden before you go to get the fire out and one of the biggest mistakes leaders make is not fully training the members on their team.


  1. Stress management is another skill that today’s leaders need to develop. The workplace can be a stressful place and the leader needs to know how to roll with the punches. We work to live we don’t live to work, and balance is going to be the key.


  1. A true leader always sets the example. Your team is always going to be watching your every move so act the way you want your team to act and you will be developing Solutions oriented team.


For more information on how you can develop your leadership skills if you want to know about our executive coaching services reach out to me today and let’s chat.

You can contact me at 

or call 888-267-6098

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

4 Ways to Conquer Productivity Killers Episode 24

If you are like me there have been many times when you’ve worked hard a whole day and felt like you got nothing accomplished. There were distractions, meetings and drains on your time. I call these the productivity killers that live in your workplace.

On today’s episode of the Solutions Oriented Leader Podcast we are going to discuss four ways that you can conquer productivity killers and create more time to accomplish your most important goals and objectives with ease.

The 4 ways to conquer your productivity Killers:


  1. Use a time log to track your time and find out what the biggest drain on your productivity and time are throughout the week. If you do this I guarantee you will find several hours of wasted time that you can refocus to be more productive in the future.


  1. Give yourself a break! Taking a break throughout the day for as little as 10 minutes can help increase your productivity and decrease your stress levels. Go out and get some fresh air, stretcher muscles and come back ready to rock.


  1. Make sure that your meetings are productive. Wherever I speak I hear CEOs and leaders complain about the number of meetings and the time that is wasted in them. Make sure that you have a focused agenda and you know what you want to accomplish before you even begin the meeting. As many people know I’m also a big fan of the morning huddle a 15 minute meeting three times a week accomplishes a lot more than a long drawn out meeting in the middle of the day.


 4. Start with the one task that you dislike the most often is one of       the most important tasks that you can accomplish in a day.             Another great thing to do is tackle 3 to 4 mini tasks which will         also give you motivation and make you feel good about yourself.



For more information and how we can help you accomplish more and grow your business send us an email to


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Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you're not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don't want you to miss an episode. I'm adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you're not subscribed there's a good chance, you'll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes!


I'd be really grateful if you left me review over on iTunes too. Those reviews help other people find my podcasts there. It’s also fun for me to go in and read them. Just click here to review, select ratings and reviews and write a review and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is.


Thank you!


Dr. Rick



Check out this episode!

Monday, August 19, 2019

How to Build Your Personal Brand Episode 23

In Today’s world the top leaders develop and protect their personal brand biggest thing know we could make them a fortune or lose everything for them in an instant. Discover six ways that you can build your personal brand that will make you stand above the crowd.


There are a number of reasons why your personal brand is so important for you as a leader. It’s not just for entrepreneurs, C-suite executives and politicians anymore. It is something that all leaders should take seriously if they want to help to motivate their team and grow their business.


Here are six steps you can take immediately to build your personal brand:


  1. Do a self-assessment before you start branding yourself. What are your strengths and weaknesses and where do you add value to an organization?



  1. Make sure to memorialize everything by writing it out! This is something personal so you don’t have to share with everyone. It will just help you to clarify who you are and what your team leadership style truly is.


  1. Decide how you are going to establish your thought leadership. Your personal brand needs to be in a consumable form for people to know who you are and what you are all about. This may mean keynote speeches, blogs, or any other form of social media or podcasting.


  1. Make sure to have an elevator pitch. This means when you meet someone whether it’s in an elevator or for a couple of minutes and they ask you what you what you do for living, you can explain with ease


  1. Always be authentic, or like I say be Real! People do business with people who they like or like them! It’s important to be honest and transparent in all of your communications especially when conveying your personal brand.


  1. Make sure to always be consistent! Always do what you say you’re going to do and make sure you always show up when you say you’re going to show up!


If you can implement the simple six steps your personal brand will quickly improve and your career Will surely advance!


Learn more about building your branding strategy or improving your leadership skills!

A Personal branding strategy can help you in advance your career. If you like to talk more about branding yourself really means, I’d love to have a conversation with you. Reach out today and contact me at www.Rick we’re send us an email to

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

How to Become an Effective Team Leader Episode 21

As an executive coach and consultant, I’m constantly asked by new team leaders and veteran team leaders about what they can do to become more effective. In this episode of the Solutions Oriented Leader Podcast I am going to share with you seven key steps you can take to become a more effective leader right away!


The best transformational leaders I know provide vision and motivation to their teams. They are certainly not perfect leaders however; they focus on constant improvement. There are seven key steps that you can take to become a more effective leader right away whether you were just beginning on your journey to become a more effective leader or are already a veteran leader who is looking to improve their skills.


  1. Understand your own leadership style by undergoing a self-assessment. It’s important to know the style of leadership that you use, whether your introvert or extrovert or someone who likes to delegate versus someone whose a micromanager. If you’re not sure asking friend and tell them to be honest!


  1. The best transformational leaders make time in their schedule to lead. I like to take what I call a walkabout in the morning and greet each and every team member to see if they need any help. Most of the time the answer is no, however I wanted to know that I have their back and that I’m interested in what they’re doing.


  1. You must have a good understanding of your people exclamation point! Transformational leaders take the time to engage with each member of their team really getting to know them. It’s important to another strengths and weaknesses so that you could focus them on their highest and best use within the team structure.


  1. The best team leaders know how to communicate effectively. It is critical that you’re intentional and the way you communicate. ( ) Make sure you set expectations and let your team know when is the best time to communicate with you so that you could be one-on-one focused with that member of the team
  2. Transformational leaders are always setting the example for others. “Your team goes where you go” as I always say! They will be constantly looking at your every move so you need to set the example if you want them to follow.


  1. The most effective team leaders know the importance of delegation. Many times we have people on our team that can do a better job than we can. After all when the team does well the team leader looks the best. It’s important to build trust and your team, after all if you can’t trust your team members they shouldn’t be on your team.


  1. The best leaders make rapid decisions! After all you got a 50-50 shot if you get it wrong and make a new decision. As I say the baseball players that are in the Hall of Fame struck out 70% of the time. If you have a 300-lifetime batting average you’re most likely in the baseball Hall of Fame. However, if you don’t get up to the plate and take a swing you have no chance of getting a hit.


If you can implement these seven key steps right away you will already be in the process of becoming a more effective team leader!

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Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you're not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don't want you to miss an episode. I'm adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you're not subscribed there's a good chance, you'll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes!


I'd be really grateful if you left me review over on iTunes too. Those reviews help other people find my podcasts there. It’s also fun for me to go in and read them. Just click here to review, select ratings and reviews and write a review and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is.

Thank you!

Dr. Rick

For information on Dr. Rick’s programs go to or send us an email to

His programs on transformational leadership are legendary. Dr. Rick Goodman, CSP, is renowned as one of the most sought-after leadership and engagement experts in the world today.

His keynote presentations and breakout sessions have produced transformational results leading to engaged employees, increased productivity and, most importantly, HIGHER PROFITS.

Dr. Rick has the distinction of delivering over 1,000 presentations in all 50 states and 23 countries. He earned the Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) designation, which is the speaker profession’s international measure of speaking experience and skill. Fewer than one percent of all professional speakers worldwide hold this designation. 

Dr. Rick is the author of three books: Living a Championship Life: A Game Plan for Success combines his success philosophy with stories compiled during his time with the Super Bowl champion St. Louis Rams; My Team Sucked: Ten Rules That Turned Them Into Rock Stars is a Small Book with Big Solutions on leadership, engagement and business growth; and his latest book, The Solutions-Oriented Leader: Your Comprehensive Guide to Achieve World Class Results being published by sound wisdom books.

Dr. Rick’s writing style integrates transformational leadership stories with innovative solutions to real-world challenges. The Solutions Oriented Leader™ Book Your Comprehensive Guide to Achieve Success It’s time to be part of the “Solution Revolution” and join the thousands of leaders and companies throughout the world who are becoming solution-oriented leaders.

It’s all based on the lessons in this step-by-step guide developed by author, keynote speaker, and international leadership expert Dr. Rick Goodman. You’ll discover how to Transform Your Thinking, Optimize Your Assets, and Accelerate Your Connectivity to achieve world-class balance and results in your business and in your life.

In this first-of-a-kind, comprehensive guide, author Dr. Rick Goodman leads you through the everyday challenges of the modern workplace while providing you with easy-to-implement solutions to achieve world-class results!

The Solutions Oriented Leader™ shows you how to: Implement transformational leadership tools to help you achieve balance in business and your life Utilize communication systems that increase employee engagement and workflow Develop a positive attitude that motivates your team and increases retention Handle conflict and manage workplace burnout Now you can be in control of your destiny—giving yourself permission to be successful!

You can become a leader who inspires others for a lifetime. You can harness your positive attitude and share it to propel your business to new heights. With the Solutions Oriented mindset, you now have the business and life playbook promoting productivity, boosting employee engagement, and creating a happy work environment.



Barnes and Noble:…




Check out this episode!

Sunday, July 21, 2019

7 Questions to Ask Your Potential Keynote Speaker Episode 21

       Seven Questions to Ask Your Potential Keynote Speaker

 Hiring a keynote speaker for your next conference or meeting is a critical decision which can affect the overall outcome and success of the meeting. There are many ways to screen for potential keynote speaker and in this episode of the solutions oriented leader podcast I’m going to share with you seven questions that you can ask your potential keynote speaker that will enhance your screening process so that you can make the right choice!


  1. Ask the speaker how they prepare for their presentation. What is their methodology and how do they deliver their programs?


  1. Find out what the speaker will do to make the presentation memorable for all attendees. Ask them to give you several concrete examples.


  1. Find out if they interact with their audience and if they do, how did they go about it?


  1. Ask them about their background and professional credentials. Also, their general life experiences are important, especially if they’re going to be speaking internationally.


  1. Asked him what other speakers they admire especially in the industry. This will help you determine their familiarity with your industry and your attendees.


  1. Asked them how long they feel they’re speak should be. You never want to have a challenge with someone who runs overtime or someone who does not have enough information to present an entire keynote speech.


  1. Lastly, asked them why they should be chosen as the keynote speaker for your event. You want to hear their elevator speech big is a good speaker will be able to give their pitch in a short burst.


Choosing a keynote speaker represents a major commitment-So make sure to vent your candidates thoroughly to ensure the success of your meeting.


For information on Dr. Rick’s programs go to or send us an email to


His programs on transformational leadership are legendary. Dr. Rick Goodman, CSP, is renowned as one of the most sought-after leadership and engagement experts in the world today.

His keynote presentations and breakout sessions have produced transformational results leading to engaged employees, increased productivity and, most importantly, HIGHER PROFITS.

Dr. Rick has the distinction of delivering over 1,000 presentations in all 50 states and 23 countries. He earned the Certified Speaking Professional (CSP) designation, which is the speaker profession’s international measure of speaking experience and skill. Fewer than one percent of all professional speakers worldwide hold this designation.


Dr. Rick is the author of three books: Living a Championship Life: A Game Plan for Success combines his success philosophy with stories compiled during his time with the Super Bowl champion St. Louis Rams; My Team Sucked: Ten Rules That Turned Them Into Rock Stars is a Small Book with Big Solutions on leadership, engagement and business growth; and his latest book, The Solutions-Oriented Leader: Your Comprehensive Guide to Achieve World Class Results being published by sound wisdom books.


Dr. Rick’s writing style integrates transformational leadership stories with innovative solutions to real-world challenges. The Solutions Oriented Leader™ Book Your Comprehensive Guide to Achieve Success It’s time to be part of the “Solution Revolution” and join the thousands of leaders and companies throughout the world who are becoming solution-oriented leaders.


It’s all based on the lessons in this step-by-step guide developed by author, keynote speaker, and international leadership expert Dr. Rick Goodman. You’ll discover how to Transform Your Thinking, Optimize Your Assets, and Accelerate Your Connectivity to achieve world-class balance and results in your business and in your life.

In this first-of-a-kind, comprehensive guide, author Dr. Rick Goodman leads you through the everyday challenges of the modern workplace while providing you with easy-to-implement solutions to achieve world-class results!


The Solutions Oriented Leader™ shows you how to: Implement transformational leadership tools to help you achieve balance in business and your life Utilize communication systems that increase employee engagement and workflow Develop a positive attitude that motivates your team and increases retention Handle conflict and manage workplace burnout Now you can be in control of your destiny—giving yourself permission to be successful!


You can become a leader who inspires others for a lifetime. You can harness your positive attitude and share it to propel your business to new heights. With the Solutions Oriented mindset, you now have the business and life playbook promoting productivity, boosting employee engagement, and creating a happy work environment.



Barnes and Noble:




Check out this episode!

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Five Key Benefits of Employee Engagement - Episode 20

Your team is your company’s most valuable asset! That’s why it’s so important for you as a leader to care about employee engagement. Today I’m going to share with you five key benefits of an employee engagement program and why you need to have one immediately if you want to retain your best people and attract new talent into your organization.


The five key benefits to employee engagement:


  1. Engagement helps increase productivity. Employees were highly engaged and have a sense of purpose and contribution on the team tend to work harder which leads to more productivity.


  1. Engaged employees have a stronger sense of the company mission and vision. When employees are engaged you can keep everybody on the same page, focused towards the same goals and end results.


  1. The more employees are engaged the more creative they become. When employees are engaged, they tend to brainstorm ideas and come up with new ways of doing things. Unengaged employees go through the motions or as I say “they look like they’re doing time”.


  1. With an increasing employee engagement there is a decrease in employee turnover. When employees feel like they are part of the team and they’re appreciated for their dedication and hard work they don’t quit. In fact, those employees tend to refer other team members that are just as good if not better than they are!


  1. Your clients and customers will know what difference if your employees are engaged and support the company mission. Employees were engaged tend to offer a higher level of customer experience. They also tend to be happier and more willing to solve problems which leads to customer satisfaction.


So, you can see how important employee engagement is to the bottom line in any organization. To find out more about implementing an employee engagement program you can contact us at Or call us at 888-267-6098


Dr. Rick Goodman’s Solutions Oriented Leader Book is now available to order online. In this first-of-a-kind, comprehensive guide, author Dr. Rick Goodman leads you through the everyday challenges of the modern workplace while providing you with easy-to-implement solutions to achieve world-class results!

Dr. Rick Goodman CSP is a thought leader in the world of leadership and is known as one of the most sought after team building experts in the United States and internationally.

He is famous for helping organizations, corporations, and individuals with systems and strategies that produce increased profits and productivity without having the challenges of micro managing the process. Some of Dr. Rick’s clients include AT&T, Boeing, Cavium Networks, Heineken, IBM, and Hewlett Packard.

For more information on Rick’s speaking programsaudio programs, and learning programs, contact (888) 267-6098 or, or visit


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Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you're not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don't want you to miss an episode. I'm adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you're not subscribed there's a good chance, you'll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes!


Never feeling extra loving, I'd be really grateful if you let me review over on iTunes to. Those views help other people find my podcasts there. It's also fun for me to go in and read. Just click here to review, select ratings and reviews and write a review and let me know your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!


Check out this episode!

Thursday, July 11, 2019

The Power of The Morning Huddle Episode 19

The morning huddle is a powerful tool for leaders, business owners, managers, supervisors and entrepreneurs to better communicate with their teams resulting in an increase in productivity, better communication and transparency and a happy workplace environment.

In today's episode of the solutions oriented leader podcast you will discover how to implement a morning huddle effectively to accomplish your goals and objectives while keeping your team and your clients informed and in the loop at all times.

If you haven't gotten your copy of "The Solutions Oriented Leader Your Comprehensive Guide to Achieve World-Class Results" what are you waiting for? The reviews are in and they have been fantastic so far all are five-star reviews! You could pick up your copy on Amazon or Barnes & Noble in addition to independent bookstores around the country.

Here are some review from Amazon for The Solutions Oriented Leader

 5.0 out of 5 stars Grab a pen and highlighter - terrific leadership advice

April 20, 2019

Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase

Actionable, smart strategies and insights about leadership at every level. If you lead people - even one - you need to buy this terrific book. Read it, dog ear it, mark it up. Then start using the principles and practices with your team.
— David Newman, author of Do It! Marketing and creator of the Speaker Profit Formula

 5.0 out of 5 stars This Book Nails It

April 28, 2019

Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase

This book takes a hard look at leadership from a unique angle. There are so many authors who write on leading others but Dr. Rick Goodman has taken his sports medicine background - and the time he spent in the Ram's locker room - and brought it to life. I really enjoyed this one.

  5.0 out of 5 stars Great lessons on changing your corporate culture

April 24, 2019

Format: Kindle Edition Verified Purchase

As a leader I’m always looking for new things that I can do to motivate and engage with my team. in the first few chapters I got 10 ideas and action steps that I could use instantly to help improve the culture at my company. I highly recommend it to women who lead!

5.0 out of 5 stars This book is for real.

April 26, 2019

Format: Kindle Edition

Most books on leadership are full of platitudes. You know, the “it’s not the size of the dog in the fight, it’s the size of the fight in the dog” kind of nonsense. But this book is different. Author and leadership consultant Rick Goodman has written a book full of actionable information on how to be a leader, how to employ leadership, and how to foster leadership in the people who report to you. What’s more, the book is organized so carefully that after you’ve read through it, it’s easy to use the book as a reference guide and quickly refer back to whatever issue, problem or point you need clarification on. I enjoyed reading Goodman’s book and I learned a lot. I believe you will too.

I am also so excited to announce That “The Solutions Oriented Leader” is now a skill on Amazon ALEXA and you can click on the link below to enable regular flash briefings on leadership, employee engagement and business growth strategies.


Subscribe & Review in iTunes

Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you're not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don't want you to miss an episode. I'm adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you're not subscribed there's a good chance, you'll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes!

Never feeling extra loving, I'd be really grateful if you let me review over on iTunes to. Those views help other people find my podcasts there. It’s also fun for me to go in and read them. Just click here to review, select ratings and reviews and write a review and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!



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Monday, July 08, 2019

Three Keys for Selling to Woman with Carolyn Strauss Episode 18

Carolyn Strauss sold over one million dollars of her Carolyn Strauss clothing line on Home Shopping Network in just one day! Today she is going to share the three keys for selling to woman and she should know!

 In 1997, Carolyn Strauss created the Carolyn Strauss Collection later rebranded as  CSC Studio and spent 18 years as the inspiration, CEO and on camera spokesperson exclusively sold on the Home Shopping Network.  She created “easy wear, easy care clothing for busy women, so that after they get dressed in the morning, they don’t have to think about themselves for the rest of the day.” Her experience running this multi-million clothing company gives her the credibility and flexibility and knowledge to speak and train all over the world.

Carolyn Strauss has studied and worked with some of the foremost experts in the world on gender communication, transacting in the marketplace and voice dialogue.  Through years of continuous practice, study and learning, Carolyn brings unmatched expertise to serve her clients. Her passion to create workplaces that support team members, the executive suite and the goals of the business is evident, and she communicates her hard earned knowledge to each of her clients with a keen sense of humor and an engaging delivery.

Through a lifetime of entrepreneurial ventures, a successful modeling career, years of retail experience and a television career, Carolyn has a varied background where she has been exposed to nearly every type of enterprise.  This unique set of experiences has honed her ability to work successfully with almost any type of business. 

To Contact or Book Carolyn
7555 W Amherst Ave. Suite 36371
Denver, CO 80236


I am also so excited to announce That “The Solutions Oriented Leader” is now a skill on Amazon ALEXA and you can click on the link below to enable regular flash briefings on leadership, employee engagement and business growth strategies.


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Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you’re not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don’t want you to miss an episode. I’m adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you’re not subscribed there’s a good chance, you’ll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes!


Never feeling extra loving, I’d be really grateful if you let me review over on iTunes to. Those views help other people find my podcasts there. It’s also fun for me to go in and read them. Just click here to review, select ratings and reviews and write a review and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!

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Wednesday, June 26, 2019

How Champions Stay Motivated - Episode 17

There are many ways that world champion athletes and teams stay motivated to succeed and win the big game. However, few can compare to the power of self-talk and affirmation which are the topics that we will discuss in this episode of The Solutions Oriented Leader Podcast.

Check out this episode!