Wednesday, November 02, 2022

How to Lead Employees Who Are Not Team Players

Have you ever worked with an employee who isn’t a team player? That’s todays topic on the Solutions Oriented leader. So You’re committed to building a work environment of collaboration and teamwork—a work environment in which all your employees work together to reach common goals. The problem is, you have one employee who simply doesn’t share your team mindset. That’s where it may fall to you to step up and show some leadership—proactively working to bring that employee into the fold and instill in him or her the central fact that, in your business, teamwork is non-negotiable.

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Ten Questions for Assessing Your Organizational Culture

In order to assess your organizational culture to make changes its important to develop questions that will point you in the right direction and I know these ten questions for assessing your organizational culture will put you on the right path. So What is Organisational Culture? The way I explain organizational culture is that it’s a summary of how people at your business interact with each other… and, how they interact with clients and customers.

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, October 11, 2022

How Solutions Oriented Leadership Improves Retention

Solutions Oriented Leadership is a key focus for managers and entreprenuers around the globe. Solutions oriented leadership improves retention and helps your organization to attract top talent globally. Discover how solutions oriented leadership can help your organization in this podcast.

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

Great Companies Focus on Health and Wellness

Great companies focus on health and wellnness. It enhances employee retention and aid in the recruitment and hiring of new team members. 

When your team prioritizes personal health and wellness, it’s a win for everyone. They enjoy a higher quality of life, while the company itself benefits from higher productivity, lower absenteeism, and improved morale.

But while some employees will be totally on board with physical fitness efforts, others may need a little coaxing. Part of your job is to ensure that wellness is built into your company culture.

Here are 6 Ways that great companies Incorporate Health and Wellness into their culture

1: Only offer healthy snack options. You may have some employees who bristle if you remove candy bars from the break room or change up the vending machine selections. Because in the long run, it’s just very hard to prioritize health when there is junk food all around.

2: Initiate some physical activity. This can be as low-key as you want it to be. Maybe you arrange for on-site yoga instruction during the lunch hour. Maybe you have a formal program where anyone who wants to join can go for a walk around the building at a set time each morning. Or maybe you just want to casually get up and stroll around yourself, leading your team by example.

3: Allow some sleeping. Yes, really: Accommodating those who want to sneak off for a power nap can actually be a valuable way to let employees recharge their batteries and gear up for a stretch of fresh productivity.

4: Educate. Bring in some guest speakers who can talk to your employees about physical fitness, and to offer some practical steps for dealing with stress in a healthy and constructive way.

5: Hold walking meetings. One more approach that I personally like: Instead of meeting around the conference table, hold brainstorming sessions outside. Get everyone up and moving around a little bit. Not only does this promote fitness, but it can generate some stronger ideas, too!

6: Be flexible. If you have employees who want to take some time to work out each day, be as lenient as you can. Because as long as they still get their work done, letting them have time for exercise can be a powerful way to show how serious you are about wellness.

If you want to increase productivity and create a happy work enviornment focusing on health and wellness is a great place to start!

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Managing Employee Experience When Leadership Changes

How do we maintain employee experience when leadership changes  More importantly how does that employee experience effect the company.that's what I would like to discuss with you today.

Where does employee experience come from? That’s a more complicated question than you might think. My personal belief is that employee experience emanates largely from the people on your team—from their shared values and objectives. 
With that said, I also think team leaders play a significant role in shaping and codifying that culture.

So what happens when your team leader leaves? Can the remaining employees keep that spark alive? I believe that they can—and here are some suggestions for how. 

Here are five ways we can maintain the employee experience and even make it better!

#1 Look back to your statements of purpose. One thing the team can do together is to use the departure of a leader as an excuse to review their core values. Do you have a mission statement? A written document that outlines your values? Take some time to remind yourself of what those documents say.

 #2 Focus on communication. If you’re in a position of leadership or management, communicate with the people who report to you. Remind them of your company’s values and commit to doubling down on them even during a season of change.

#3 Talk about anxieties. You and your team members may have some concerns about the long-term fate of your culture. Talk through those anxieties and see if you can come up with some practical ways to safeguard your shared values. It all comes back to communication!

#4 Connect with your customers. Sometimes, talking with your customers and clients is a good way to remind yourself of what your values are—and of why you committed to them in the first place!

#5 Remember your role in shaping culture. Finally, just remind yourself that employee experience doesn’t emanate from any one leader; you and your team members create the experience together through your everyday decisions and priorities.

The power to preserve your  positive employee experience and culture ultimately lies with you!

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

How to Transform Your Company CultureHow to Transfrom Your Company Culture

Does your companies culture keep you up at night?

There’s a reason why company culture has become such a big focus for companies both large and small. Studies show, time and time again, that culture can make or break performance, team cohesion, employee retention, and recruitment. 

Is it Time to Rethink Your Company Culture?  Maybe even time to transform your company culture? If you’re thinking about making a proactive move to enhance your company culture, that’s certainly not a bad idea—but wait. You have to be strategic, and to lay a foundation for long-lasting cultural change.

Check out this episode!

Thursday, May 12, 2022

It's Time To Get Uncomfortable Episode 108

It's time to get uncomfortable that's what my mentor Dr Danny Drubin would say to me when I was not growing or strecthing to build myself and my business. Change and growth is uncomfortable, but once we stretch and grow there no turning back!

Check out this episode!

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Motivational Keynote Speaker Rick Goodman Engages DSOA Conference Members

The Subtle Signs Of A Cultural Weakness

Quite often, if we look close enough the telltale subtle signs of a cultural weakness are there for everyone to see. Sometimes, when your company culture is in jeopardy, it’s pretty obvious. 

Maybe you have employees leaving by droves. Or maybe you have a morale problem that is palpable. But in other instances, the signs of trouble may be more subtle. You may not even recognize them until it’s too late.

Let me share with you a few examples How a Weak Company Culture Will Cause You Problems

Check out this episode!

Friday, March 04, 2022

Dr. Rick Goodman Motivational Keynote Speaker: The Power of One

5 Common Reasons Performance Management Systems Fail

There are 5 common reasons that performance management systems fail and we care going to dicuss them today in this episode of The Solutions Oriented Leader Podcast.

Check out this episode!

Monday, February 07, 2022

Do You Have An Effective Performance Management System

Do You Have an Effective Performance Management System?

So What is a Performance Management System?

it is the formal processes by which you articulate employee responsibilities; monitor their performance; and provide feedback and course-corrections as needed.

Check out this episode!

Getting Started With A Performance Management System | Leadership Expert...

Compliment Your Customers! Leadership Expert Dr Rick Goodman

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Fun Employee Engagement Questions

There are fun employee engagement questions you can ask in an employee engagement survey that will help you to improve your employee experience. In this podcast you will discover 11 fun employee engagement questions that you can ask which will give you great employee feedback and help to improve your organizational culture and your employee experience.

Check out this episode!

Tuesday, January 04, 2022

Employee Engagement Strategies for 2022

The biggest challenge business owners and leaders will have is developing employee engagement strategies for 2022 that will work. In this podcast employee engagement and leadership expert Dr Rick Goodman will share best practices for engaging and retaining employees in this new global environment.

Check out this episode!

Leadership Lessons for 2022

There are many leadership lessons for 2022 that we can apply from what we learned in 2021. In this podcast leadership expert Dr. Rick Goodman will share what it takes to succeed in 2022.

Check out this episode!

Employee Engagement Staregies for 2022

The biggest challenge business owners and leaders will have is developing employee engagement strategies for 2022 that will work. In this podcast employee engagement and leadership expert Dr Rick Goodman will share best practices for engaging and retaining employees in this new global environment.

Check out this episode!