Friday, May 24, 2019

How to Use Conflict to Make a Connection -Episode 14

How to Use Conflict to Make a Connection!


Many times, leaders would rather avoid conflict than to confront it. As I said before I believe that conflict can be good and can even help us to make a connection with our team. On this episode of the solutions oriented leader podcast we are going to discuss how we can take conflict and use it to make a connection by taking a number of steps.


It's always important to start with a self-assessment and look in the mirror to decide what type of personality do you have and what is the best way that people can communicate with you. Once you have this figured out you need to communicate that to your employees.


It's also important to be mindful of your habits and communicate them to your teammates and family and remember that people think and buy from emotion. So, if you truly want to connect with people even when you're involved in the conflict you have to think about your emotions and also their emotions.


When a transformational leader begins to confront conflict, they will soon start to see conflict dissipate and engagement in connection begin.


Check out this episode to find out more how you can use conflict to make a connection.


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Or call us at 888-267-6098






Check out this episode!

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

What is a Resilient Leader - Episode 13

What is a Resilient Leader


What is a resilient leader? Many times, I'm asked what some of the most important traits are that a leader can possess? My first answer is always persistence and resiliency! A person who is resilient maintains a positive attitude and is always looking for opportunities even when business is down.


On today's solutions oriented leader podcast we are going to examine what is true resiliency   and how will it help you to achieve your goals as a leader. If you are looking to achieve more of your goals as a leader make sure to check out the solutions-oriented leader book which is available at Barnes & Noble, and all other fine bookstores.




If you're looking to take your game to another level and are interested in executive coaching, make sure to contact us at or call us directly at 888-267-6098.


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Dr. Rick

Check out this episode!

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Seven Traits of a Resilient Leader - Episode 12

The Seven Traits of a Resilient Leader


Many studies have indicated the importance of resilience is both an individual and leadership trait. On today’s solutions-oriented leader podcast you will discover seven traits of resilient leader. A resilient leader is a person who sees failure as temporary setbacks and they believe they can recover from them quickly. They always maintain a positive attitude and a strong sense of opportunity during tough times.


When a resilient leader faces a roadblock, they find a way to move forward and avoid getting stuck. Many resilient leaders are also transformational leaders who are constantly looking to develop other leaders in their organizations who could provide solutions that achieve excellent results.


Here is a list of the Seven Traits of a Resilient Leader:


  1. Powerful Communication:

Resilient Leaders have an ability to communicate their message in a powerful manner so that their team members understand the challenges of any situation and are developing solutions for a positive outcome. 

  1. Resilient Leaders Are Coachable:

             Any great athlete or entertainer or businessperson knows the importance of constant improvement. This is the case for resilient leaders they are open to feedback and often ask others for feedback also. Once they receive the feedback, they also demonstrate an ability to take action in a positive way. They are truly transformational leaders.

  1. They Are Risk Takers:

              Resilient leaders understand that with no risk there is no reward they understand that to be very successful you have to take risks sometimes. They understand if you continue to do the same thing you can get stuck in a rut.


  1. They Develop Other Leaders:

             Resilient Leaders understand the importance of developing other leaders. Developing everyone helps them to learn from their mistakes. It is been demonstrated that leaders who want feedback for themselves are more likely to give productive feedback and coaching to others, because they want honest feedback as well.

  1. They Believe in Change:

Resilient Leaders overruling the change in their able to provide leadership to ensure that the organizational culture is one that is change oriented. Resilient leaders embrace change and also encourage other members of their team to embrace change also. 

  1. They Are Relationship Builders:

Resilient Leaders build strong teams by creating strong and positive relationships with members of their team. Individuals may be willing to make changes but requires a positive environment and supportive relationships to be able to make that change successfully.


  1. They Are Decisive:

Resilient Leaders understand that making decisions is always difficult because no person has all the data or understands everything. They also understand that organizations cannot move forward until a decision gets made. The most resilient leaders are effective at making decisions moving forward. They make the wrong decision; they are quick to make a different decision and move in another direction.


I am also so excited to announce That “The Solutions Oriented Leader” is now a skill on Amazon ALEXA and you can click on the link below to enable regular flash briefings on leadership, employee engagement and business growth strategies.


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Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you're not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don't want you to miss an episode. I'm adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you're not subscribed there's a good chance, you'll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes!


Never feeling extra loving, I'd be really grateful if you let me review over on iTunes to. Those views help other people find my podcasts there. It’s also fun for me to go in and read them. Just click here to review, select ratings and reviews and write a review and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!


Check out this episode!

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Building Your Team with Remote Employees - Episode 11

Building Your Team with Remote Employees

I believe that if you are going to have remote employees you must bring them together for a team building exercise at minimum once a year. When done right, these activities can improve communication, foster cohesion, and bolster morale.

It’s a lot harder to include employees in your group activities when those employees don’t work in the same building—or in some cases, when they don’t even work in the same town!

 Here are three quick solution to help you build virtual or remote teams successfully.


Build Rapport One of the disadvantages of being a remote employee is that you don’t get to participate in everyday small talk, like on-campus employees do. Make it a point to go around to each employee, and especially each remote employee, and ask them something about their family or about how their week is going.


Set up meetings off-site. With Wi-Fi accessibility, it’s easier than ever for your employees to spend an hour or two working outside the office—in a Starbucks, for instance. This can be a good way to include employees who live in the same community but don’t come into the office each day. Set up an afternoon for employees to get together in an external location—somewhere the remote employees can be in the mix!


Create a Buddy or Mentor System A simple suggestion: If you have a project requiring two people, encourage one in-house person to work alongside a remote employee. Have them get together over Skype or Facetime to work on the assignment together. Simply facilitating these partnerships can be very valuable to building team cohesion!

 Of course, one final suggestion is to contact a team building expert who can come in and make some specific recommendations—and that’s something I’d love to help with. Reach out now and let’s talk about your company culture and team building needs.

 You can contact me at or call 888-267-6098.


What is a solutions-oriented leader? Take the free Solutions-Oriented Leader Assessment now and claim your Comprehensive Guide to Achieve Success. Dr. Rick Goodman’s Solutions-Oriented Leader book is now available to order online. In this first-of-a-kind, comprehensive guide, author Dr. Rick Goodman leads you through the everyday challenges of the modern workplace while providing you with easy-to-implement solutions to achieve world-class results!


I am also so excited to announce That “The Solutions Oriented Leader” is now a skill on Amazon ALEXA and you can click on the link below to enable regular flash briefings on leadership, employee engagement and business growth strategies.



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Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you're not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don't want you to miss an episode. I'm adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you're not subscribed there's a good chance, you'll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes!


Never feeling extra loving, I'd be really grateful if you let me review over on iTunes to. Those views help other people find my podcasts there. It’s also fun for me to go in and read them. Just click here to review, select ratings and reviews and write a review and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!







Check out this episode!

Monday, May 13, 2019

5 Tips To Make Your Day More Productive Episode 10

5 Tips for Making Your Day More Productive


I’ve talked before about the importance of having the right morning routine—It’s not enough to have a to-do list these days. What we really need to do is think about when you’re going to do things according to highest and best use of our time


Here are Five Actions that you can take to make your day more productive!


Plan your weeks in advance. Let’s start with the big picture: You should begin each week with a clear agenda, including the major projects you need to complete or commitments you need to uphold. Write down what your main areas of focus need to be each day and stick to it.


Set daily goals. It’s good to have long-term goals, but I also recommend having three to five main things you want to achieve each day. Review those items as your day begins, and block it off in your schedule. It’s always wise to structure your day around the biggest goals.


Schedule uninterrupted work time. You can’t simply hope for a block of time to do creative work and get things done. You actually put it on your schedule, then turn off your phone and desktop alerts so that you can make it happen. Many studies suggest the  best time to schedule uninterrupted work time is in the morning.


Schedule administrative tasks. Checking email, listening to voicemails, updating your company’s social media—these “little” things can really eat into your productive time. That’s why I recommend setting aside one or two times each day where you focus on these things—maybe in the morning and then again before you leave the office.


Plan meetings for the afternoon. If you have your creative time in the morning, then you can save administrative tasks—including meetings and conference calls—for the afternoon, which is when a lot of us start to lose a little steam anyway.


Those are just some of the action steps that you can take to make your day more productive!


I am also so excited to announce That “The Solutions Oriented Leader” is now a skill on Amazon ALEXA and you can click on the link below to enable regular flash briefings on leadership, employee engagement and business growth strategies.



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Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you're not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don't want you to miss an episode. I'm adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you're not subscribed there's a good chance, you'll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes!


Never feeling extra loving, I'd be really grateful if you let me review over on iTunes to. Those views help other people find my podcasts there. It’s also fun for me to go in and read them. Just click here to review, select ratings and reviews and write a review and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!






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Thursday, May 09, 2019

Why Leaders Fail - Episode 8

Hi this is Dr. Rick Goodman international leadership expert, keynote speaker and author of the Amazon Kindle best-selling book The Solutions Oriented Leader in this episode of the Solutions Oriented Leader Podcast our topic is "Why Leaders Fail"

There are many reasons why leaders fail, however in this episode I'm going to examine four of the most common reasons that I have found over the last 30 years to be the core reasons why leaders fail.

 1.They Lack Self-Awareness

I have discovered that many leaders lack self-awareness of their behaviors or their communication styles. In order to be a successful leader, you have to be aware of your communication and be prepared for life of never-ending improvement.

 2.They lack communication skills the drive engagement in connection

Some leaders communicate through social media, email, texts and tweets when real engagement is through connection and conversation.

 3.They Fail to Communicate across All Generations

Many leaders fail to communicate across all generations instead of just the ones that they like to spend the most time with. That's the easy thing to do! Stepping out of your comfort zone is a hard thing to do, but that's what true leaders do.

 4.They Fail to Connect with People on a Personal and Emotional Level

A leader must touch people personally and emotionally with their vision and their goals. Emotions drive sales, productivity and direction. The key is to be forthcoming and transparent with yourself and your message.

For more information on how you could bring Dr. Rick Goodman into your organization for keynote speech, a leadership workshop or executive consulting and coaching contact


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Are you subscribed to my podcast? If you're not, I want to encourage you to do that today. I don't want you to miss an episode. I'm adding a bunch of bonus episodes to the mix and if you're not subscribed there's a good chance, you'll miss out on those. Click here to subscribe in iTunes!


Never feeling extra loving, I'd be really grateful if you let me review over on iTunes to. Those views help other people find my podcasts there. It’s also fun for me to go in and read them. Just click here to review, select ratings and reviews and write a review and let me know what your favorite part of the podcast is. Thank you!







Check out this episode!

Wednesday, May 08, 2019

What We Get Wrong About Corporate Culture Episode - 8

There are many things that we get wrong about company culture. Today I am going to share and dispel four myths that are frequently discussed by the business community around the world so that you can be aware of them and develop your own solutions and results!

Check out this episode!

Stay Focused This Week! | Dr. Rick Goodman Inspirational Business Keynot...

Sunday, May 05, 2019

The Solutions Oriented Leader Podcast- Episode 7

I've written so many times about the importance of company culture and in fact many of my keynote speeches recently are focused on that general theme also on how it can be a tool for your recruiting how it helps with engagement and how it improves performance and gives your company and your team the competitive edge in order to compete in today's very competitive environment.

As a business leader you can't just overhaul your old company culture with a simple decree, you can't just say this is what we’re going to be doing moving forward especially if you been doing it differently for many years.

Even before we implement a program to begin to change the culture in any organization, we first must assess what some of weakest areas that need improvement may be found.

It has been my experience as a consultant who has implemented transformational leadership systems into companies around the world successfully for over thirty years that there are four common areas that we all need to focus on to improve workplace culture.

Here are a few:

Ensure that employees are empowered to make decisions:

  • Employees quickly get discouraged when they feel like they don’t have the ability to make decisions.

Align your employees with the mission of the company

  • Show each person how his or her role aligns with the big picture.

Allow your employees to innovate

  • One of the hallmarks of a strong company culture is that employees feel like they have room to try new things and potentially fail. If your response to failure is punishment, employees will never try anything daring or new.

Create a culture of feedback.

  • Your team members want to feel like they can come to you with their new ideas and projects. Be willing to listen and hear them out without getting defensive and give them honest feedback.

Once you have assessed how you are doing there are a few simple steps that you can take to start improving your workplace culture immediately.

      1.Talk to your employees.

Simply by involving your employees in regular communication, you’ve already made your culture better.

     2.Be Flexible.

Think about ways to inject some flexibility into your employee experience.

     3.Encourage professional development.

This can be as simple as providing some flexibility for employees who want to pursue some continuous education courses.

     4.Recognize employees.

There are a number of ways in which you can recognize employees, whether it’s by giving them the day off on their birthday; creating an Employee of the Month honor; or simply giving public shout-outs for employees who make a difference.

    5.Make room for innovation.

Consider ways in which you can give your team members more room to try new things and innovate new solutions—without the fear of failure. Often, this is what gets people excited about coming into work.

For Information on how Dr. Rick Goodman can help your organization improve their organizations workplace culture contact us at or call us direct at 888-267-6098.

Special Promotion for the month of May… When your purchase a copy of "The Solutions Oriented Leader" on Amazon or Barnes and Noble, either the Hardback or Kindle/NOOK version and send us a picture of you with the book or a copy of the receipt we will send you a free copy of the book!

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