Monday, March 30, 2020

The Best Ways to Improve Your Brand On Social Media

The Best Ways to Improve Your Brand on Social Media

There are a number of ways to improve your personal brand on social media that can be effective. In this episode of The Solutions Oriented Leader Podcast I am going to share the best ways to improve your personal brand that I have used with amazing results!

Here are my best ways to improve your personal brand for you to use as a guide. I used these steps when I released my new book The Solutions Oriented Leader Your Comprehensive Guide to Achieve World Class Results

The Solutions Oriented Leader Strategy to Improving Your Personal Brand

  1. Change your thought process

If you are going to build your personal brand you have to change your thought process and put yourself out there especially when it comes to social media. If you are not engaging on a regular basis your brand will be invisible.

The purpose of being visible on social media is for you to demonstrate your superpowers across multiple platforms that can be seen and heard by a variety of audiences worldwide.

  1. What is your expertise

It’s important to know what you are great at where is your expertise its important to know because that is where your brand needs to focus. It's important to assess your strengths and weaknesses in addition to assessing which industry would benefit the most from your expertise.

  1. What groups will you focus on

Knowing the groups that you want to focus on is critical. It's impossible to reach your goals if they are not specific. The same goes for your personal brand. You can't build your brand effectively if you have not determined what groups you will focus on.

  1. Do your research and come up with a plan

Research some of the top experts in groups you are focusing on. Look at the industry publications to see the types of articles they publish. This way you can start positioning material for yourself.

  1. Create an editorial calendar for posting

An editorial calendar will help you plan and map out your social media postings. Suffice to say, you need to be everywhere and, on every platform, where your target market consumes information.

Those platforms could be LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Reddit. The best platforms in my opinion are your own website, your own podcast and your own blog. People consume information in many different ways, and you need to be prepared to deliver in all of them.

  1. Give away everything you know

Make sure to share and give away everything you know especially content in consumable bites. Our attention spans have gotten shorter over the years so if you can communicate in sound bites your message has a better chance of being retained by your target audience.

  1. Develop a positioning statement

I have been asked by clients over the years what is the purpose of having an positioning statement? My response is simple. You have less than 30 seconds to make an impression on someone. They are judging you from the second you connect with them. If you want to succeed in promoting your brand you only have a few seconds to accomplish this.

We call it a positioning statement it explains your superpower in a concise and succinct manner within seconds.

  1. Grow your personal network

Growing your personal network will help to boost your brand when you engage and share helpful information. It’s just as important to engage with others content as you do post your own. Communication is a two-way street.

  1. Ask your friends and clients to make introductions where needed

 You should never be afraid to ask for an introduction, you’re only risking a yes! I always say “if you don't A.S.K. you won't G.E.T.” What's the worst thing that can happen? If the person says no, you're in the same position you were a few seconds before. If they say yes you just went to the next level. I have found that people love to help others so why not just ask for help in making a connection.

  1. You are your brand

 You are your brand and your personal brand is not just online it follows you wherever you go. In today's highly engaged planet everyone is watching whether you see them or not. Your reputation is everything so its important to protect your brand!

If you're interested in repositioning your brand or reinventing your business by building your personal brand reach out to me directly at Or call us at 888-267-6098.

Ask us about our personal brand building strategy sessions that can reposition your brand for today's changing world.


Check out this episode!

Thursday, March 26, 2020

How to Be More Productive When Working from Home

How to Be More Productive When Working from Home


Many people around the world have had to learn to be more productive when working from home to stop the spreading of the coronavirus pandemic. In this episode of the Solutions Oriented Leader Podcast I will give you five tips that you can implement to make you more productive when working from home.


Five tips to make you more productive when working at home


  1. The first thing that you can do to make you more productive when working from home is to define a start and stop time along with the things that you need to accomplish each day. It's very important to devise a routine and stick to that routine the same way you would follow your schedule when you were in school. This will help you to separate your work time from your personal time especially if you're not used to working from a Home Office.


  1. Make sure you do whatever it takes to have her a separate work environment so that you can focus on your goals and objectives. There are many distractions especially if your family is in the house when it's time for you to work. Explain to your family the importance of sticking to your routine in order to maintain normality as best as possible.


  1. Be sure to make time for yourself it's best if you can keep your morning routine the way it was before you started working from home if possible. Make sure you take time to eat the right foods and exercise daily. Studies indicate that the more time you spend in a disciplined routine the more you will accomplish!


  1. Make sure to keep all of your meetings and do them face to face with video chats if possible. There are many different applications that you can use including us, Skype, WhatsApp and go to meeting . You could use these video platforms to connect with new prospects, meet with your staff and work with your clients.


  1. Make sure to set realistic goals especially based on new circumstances and make sure to reward yourself when you have accomplished these goals. It's important to maintain your focus including your goals and objectives when you're working from your home environment by placing them in front of you at all times. It’s also important to end your work day by preparing for the next day.



If you’re interested to see how our team can help you with your organizational needs

reach out to me at your next opportunity. Contact me at  email us at or call 888-267-6098.


You can now get flash briefings on your Alexa at home or on the Alexa app all you have to do is enable the solutions-oriented leader and click on this link below:



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Check out this episode!

Thursday, March 19, 2020

Solutions Oriented Leadership During the CoronaVirus A Conversation with Bruce Turkel Part 2

Dr. Rick Goodman and International Branding Expert and Author Bruce Turkel discuss solutions oriented leadership and what needs to happen during the coronavirus in Part 2 in this series.

Check out this episode!

Monday, March 16, 2020

How to Protect Your Brand During The Corona Virus A Conversation with Bruce Turkel

The coronavirus is just starting to have a major effect on our lives and our businesses in the United States. In this two part episode of The Solutions Oriented Leader Podcast Dr. Rick Goodman interviews branding expert and author Bruce Turkel about steps you can take to protect your brand during this crisis.

Check out this episode!

How to Protect Your Brand During The Coronavirus with Bruce Turkel and D...