Tuesday, June 05, 2012

The Alex Project: Laws of Success "The Habit of Doing More Than Paid For"

Napoleon Hill explores another topic that is vital to achieving success in the ninth lesson of this book, titled “The Habit of Doing More Than Paid For.” Essentially self-explanatory, this rare characteristic often results in countless opportunities for a person, and will add much to one’s credibility and reputation.

The easiest way for you to develop this habit is by ensuring that you are working in a profession that is enjoyable to you. According to Hill, some people love their work, but many hate what they do for a living. You are most efficient and will more quickly and easily succeed when engaged in work that you love, or work that you perform on for some person that you love.

If you are doing the type of work you love, it is no hardship to do more and better work than you are paid for.  Hill mentions two benefits of doing what you love: happiness (which is priceless) and earning far more money. He also states that family and friends may disapprove of following your passion, but you must proceed onward, regardless of the opinions of others.

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