Friday, July 27, 2012

The Alex Project - Laws of Success "Profiting by Failure"

The fourteenth lesson in Napolean Hill’s Law of Success is titled “Profiting by Failure.” In the lesson, Hill gives the reader a different view of the meaning behind the word “failure”. Normally a negative word, Hill distinguishes failure from temporary defeat, and temporary defeat can at times be a blessing in disguise. He then states that he is thankful for experiencing so much defeat, since it had the effect of giving him the courage to attempt things he would not have tried if his early life would have been easier. The lesson flips the idea behind failure so drastically that by the end of the lesson it appears as though failure isn’t a bad thing at all. The message that can be taken after concluding with the lesson is simple. Ultimately, there is no failure. What appears to be failure is usually a minor setback in disguise, and you must always refuse to accept it as being permanent.

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