Monday, October 21, 2019

6 Ways to Boost Employee Engagement Episode 29

6 Ways to Boost Employee Engagement


Employee engagement is critical if you want to retain and build a culture of solutions oriented leaders. In today’s podcast I will share with you six ways that you can immediately boost employee engagement and create a happy and productive work environment.


Studies today indicate that CEOs and see sweet executives agree the best way to retain and attract new employees is through ongoing Learning and development.


Here is six quick ways you can boost employee engagement in your organization


  1. During the on boarding process make sure that employees are fully trained and an understanding of the additional Learning opportunities available to them.


  1. Encourage cross functional training so that your team has an understanding of how other departments function while building their own skill sets.


  1. Make sure that learning an education is ingrained in your companies mission and values and continually to reinforce that message to your team.


  1. Bring in outside consultants and speakers to work with your group most CEOs and C-Suite executives agree that this is the most effective way to train their own teams.


  1. Offer flexibility to your team members who seek additional learning opportunities, after all it’s only going to help your team and you as a leader


  1. Encourage your team members to think outside the box. Don’t let them worry about failures because that’s always going to be a way they can learn and move to the next level.



If you would like more information on how we can help your team reach the next level contact us at or call 888 267-6098


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