Thursday, March 26, 2020

How to Be More Productive When Working from Home

How to Be More Productive When Working from Home


Many people around the world have had to learn to be more productive when working from home to stop the spreading of the coronavirus pandemic. In this episode of the Solutions Oriented Leader Podcast I will give you five tips that you can implement to make you more productive when working from home.


Five tips to make you more productive when working at home


  1. The first thing that you can do to make you more productive when working from home is to define a start and stop time along with the things that you need to accomplish each day. It's very important to devise a routine and stick to that routine the same way you would follow your schedule when you were in school. This will help you to separate your work time from your personal time especially if you're not used to working from a Home Office.


  1. Make sure you do whatever it takes to have her a separate work environment so that you can focus on your goals and objectives. There are many distractions especially if your family is in the house when it's time for you to work. Explain to your family the importance of sticking to your routine in order to maintain normality as best as possible.


  1. Be sure to make time for yourself it's best if you can keep your morning routine the way it was before you started working from home if possible. Make sure you take time to eat the right foods and exercise daily. Studies indicate that the more time you spend in a disciplined routine the more you will accomplish!


  1. Make sure to keep all of your meetings and do them face to face with video chats if possible. There are many different applications that you can use including us, Skype, WhatsApp and go to meeting . You could use these video platforms to connect with new prospects, meet with your staff and work with your clients.


  1. Make sure to set realistic goals especially based on new circumstances and make sure to reward yourself when you have accomplished these goals. It's important to maintain your focus including your goals and objectives when you're working from your home environment by placing them in front of you at all times. It’s also important to end your work day by preparing for the next day.



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